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What happened to Sargeras

Do you think Sargeras is still Alive?

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I know everyone is thinking that there is the Tomb Of Sargeras, so Sargeras must be dead. Wrong! It's completely unknown what happened after the death of Medivh. Gul'dan went into the Tomb Of Sargeras, but when he went in Sargeras' corpse was not there. All that was there was insane demons tearing Gul'dan to shreads. What happened? Give me your opinion!
Level 12
Aug 18, 2006
i say like this, if hes not to be found dead, he is alive

he made the tomb, and went so far into it that he got to the "final room" that is yet not to be found, he opened a portal to a new universe, that he has created himself

he will return to Azeroth, with an army more powerfull that imaginable for some people, since the arrows will block out the sun, and the march of the army will tremple over all Kalimdor and its isles.....
Level 7
Mar 22, 2007
Uhm guys...

Im a lore bot here!

So this happened:Whilst Medivh was about to be slain he awoken, but awoken at the wrong time, once the blade went through Medivh's chest that was it, but of course before all this Sargeras went into his mother and then Medivh. So according to the lore, he resides in the Twisting Nether, unable to do anything. Isnt the tomb of Sargeras where they put his body in?
So Sargeras's Spirit is in the Twisting Nether and his body is in the Tomb Of Sargeras. And what happened to Archimonde is he still alive? Or is it his spirit. And Razorbrain is what you say true or just something you made up? I also found this about Archimonde and Malfurion.
Malfurion Stormrage has been trapped inside the Emerald Dream now for some time, and has reported in scarce visions to Remulos that there is a great, dark evil trying to consume the realm. Malfurion has remained there to combat the spreading malicious force, and it is whispered in hush tones and chilling reverence that the contagion is actually Archimonde. Some say that the demon had managed to use the power he gained from Nordrassil to leave his physical body and transport himself into the Emerald Dream. Whether Archimonde is the cause for the Dream's slow decay remains to be seen. However, it is more likely that the Old Gods are the ones responsible for this disruption, as this slow corruption is far more their style than Archimonde's.
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Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
The corpse of Sargeras is still within his tomb. However, Gul'Dan never found it before being torn to shreds by the resident demons

Sargeras himself is within the Twisting Nether, bodiless, his sheer ammount of power keeping him in existence. He's continuing the Burning Crusade however

Archimonde is possibly dead, but being powerful he's probably hanging in the Nether as well. Demons are possibly attempting to drain the Well of Eternity to use it to resserect him
Level 4
May 13, 2006
I consider myself a Lore . . guy, so, I agree with Mecheon said. I just wish he would return . . he would make for a badass villain and unit.

And is Sargeras leading the Crusade in kind of Ghostly, Ethereal Form; or is he just kind of observing?

Lastly, I thought the corpse in the tomb wasn't HIS body, just his avatars?
Level 4
Apr 29, 2007
Sargeras is dead, but his soul was not died... Hi use spells to make such an avatars to live as Sargeras

Can't explain it really
Level 4
Apr 14, 2007
sargeras' tomb has nothing in it. illidan took it, remember?and if he is in the twisting nether, archimonde's not with him. archimonde got PWNED by furion's wisps.
Level 3
May 1, 2007
Personally I think he's alive, but I doubt we'd see him in action again in any warcrafts
Level 7
Mar 22, 2007
The orcish warlock Gul'dan believed the Tomb of Sargeras to hold amazing power, since he had been told as much by both Medivh and the eredar demon Kil'jaeden. Gul’dan attempted to claim the tomb for himself, but when he gained access to the grave, Sargeras' corpse was not there. Instead, Gul'dan found only a plethora of demons, driven mad by their long imprisonment. The demons proceeded to tear Gul'dan to shreds, using the orc's skull as a focal point of their power. To this day, it is unknown what happened to Sargeras' body

Explains one thing.

Despite his enormous power, Medivh was caught off his guard, and was in the end killed by his former friends and comrades in his underground sanctum. His body destroyed, Sargeras was sent reeling in pain back into the Twisting Nether. There he remains in limbo, unable to access a vessel body powerful enough to hold his demonic spirit.

So basically it is unknown what happened to Sargeras's body and since Medivh was killed his 'body was destroyed(so it says), he was sent reeling in pain back into the Twisting Nether, I supose the power of Sargeras kept him in the Twisting Nether.
So, from the info here this is what I beleive happened: Medivh destroyed Sargeras' body and his spirit was sent to the Twisting Nether and he remains there. Now for Archimonde I'm not sure what to beleive. Either way he wont show up again so it dosen't really matter. It's possible that he drained enough energy from the World Tree to keep him alive.
Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
It was his original body. He was so arrogent that he summoned his entire self into Azeroth to defeat Aegywn, so she pretty much destroyed it

Yes, although you make it sound like he meant to defeat Aegywn. He did mean to lose to her, because he saw Medihv as a more powerful form than his own.

Oh, and if anyone's wondering, I beleive Medihv came back because his mother ressurected him.

Level 7
Mar 22, 2007
happened: Medivh destroyed Sargeras' body

Medivh didn't destroy Sargeras's body, his body got destroyed when Medivh was slain. And because of that he got sent back into the Nether and I guess again that his incredible power is keeping him there, I don't know. And from what I've seen about Archimonde, he could be the reason for the darkness in the Emerald Dream, it might explain why Malfurion isn't coming back. We only see Archimonde in the Caverns of Time, but thats something to do with the infinite dragonflight not his death.
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