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[General] What are the possible attachment points for special effects created with triggers?

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Level 4
Sep 22, 2011
Hey, when using the action
  • Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the overhead of (Triggering unit) using war3mapImported\HolyTornado.mdx
What are the possible attachment points other then "overhead" ?? and where exactly do they appear on the character?
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
overhead - point above the unit, does not sway with unit's movement
head - sways with movement
chest - sways with movement
origin - point bellow the unit, does not sway with unit's movement
hand - sways with movement
foot - sways with movement
weapon - sways with movement
sprite - for buildings only
medium - for buildings only
large - for buildings only

left (Example: hand, left will make it attach to left hand) - sways with movement
right - sways with movement
mount - (Example: mount, hand, left will attach it to mount's left hand) for units on mount, sways with movement
rear - for quadrupeds only
first - for buildings only
second - for buildings only
third - for buildings only
fourth - for buildings only
ifth - for buildings only
sixth - for buildings only
rallypoint - for buildings only
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Level 26
Mar 19, 2008
@Apheraz Lucent sprite, medium and large works for units too. Every bigger unit owns medium animation while the biggest (such as Night Elf Giant) uses large one. Sprite is available in rare cases, like for Blood Mage.

@Amathor929, although Apheraz Lucent have greatly answered your question, you have to understand that avaiable attachemnts for given unit depends on unit's model properties actually. It has to have Attachments references for each of those types to enable you to manipulate all of them. Unfortunately, most models own only few.

Units usually have: overhead, head, chest, foot, hand, origin with modifiers limited to left and right (works only for hand and foot)

Buildings: overhead, origin, sprite; with modifiers: first, second, third, rallypoint (works only for sprite).
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