Konblade said:
...Wormskull's death ocured. No offense to anyone, I just wanted to make a little animation.
one year ago, Livecorpse ( go on google and type it ) died, it was a flash animator, about 18 year old, with a special mental condition. nonethelessly, he was somewhat good, very kind and helpful. i stop'd going on newgrounds, for some unknow reasons. at my return, he died, and i felt bad and sad, since he helped me and and i carved myself a place at him by commenting his tons of movies.
altho wc3search cannot be compared to ng beceause of its traffic and lack of store/donations, id say that since i have around 1500 comments.. and there is 1'765 Skins and 100~ non-blizz Art files and 2000 non-wow icons (altho 90% of them are blatant recolor cnps from wc2viewer and other places), a lot of stuff would get uncommented :lol:
a newbie would most likely be uncorcened and uncaring, but of course, if i stay alive they get angry and keep hatin'.
apart from the fact i try to comment every skins/icons/art that are submitted since abou two months, i dont see how the fact i would die would be tragic to newbs..
oh and skulls can't bleed, unless the red is some mental shield phasing to the physical plane