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WEU 1.18

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Level 5
Apr 16, 2005
help.. when i enabled the advanced tirggers on my map..
whenever i save.. it displays errors.. is it still ok?..

and my variables gets full up..
how can i enable the advance trigger from weu without displaying errors in my map when saving..
Level 22
May 11, 2004
My advice: Don't use WEU. Its a buggy 3rd party mess. Expect many more kinds of errors, including occasionally losing your map, if you continue using that program.

You can't go wrong with Blizz-spec map editor. Out of all my years mapping for wc3, the ammount of errors I received from the official editor just for doing normal stuff: 0
Level 18
Mar 7, 2005
its because the advanced triggers need some advanced script and additional variables i dont know which u need for some things because they a re a lot like 120 or so but only 20 or lees for the save feature.. whatever just base ur maps on a example map, which is also in the installation of weu, because in the maps are all variables and custom scrips u will need .... but we is also good... u need other ways which are sometimes complicated but hey no errors

btw i havent get any errors since i use weu (50% when i make maps) for 2 years now...
Level 5
Apr 16, 2005
i think the errors came from the abilities variable .. th ctrl+"D" thing..

coz.. i started my map in blizzard's..
then enabled advance triggers.. i had 15 skills already and units and other stuffs..
so maybe the A00b and EooF and otheres... kinda miced up...

but nvm i stik to blizzard's =)
Level 7
May 6, 2005
If you have problems with advanced triggers, don't use 'em.

Solution? learn Jass. WEU's advanced triggers are just a GUI interface for some Jass you implements to the map, like the normal triggers is a GUI interface for Jass.
Level 4
Aug 14, 2005
No, I thinkg VGsatomi is compeletly wrong with this.

First of all a lot of work was put into this, I think it is quite unfair of you of calling it a 3rd party mess, after all you didn't create something like that

Second of all, I already created REALLY cool maps with that, and with the advanced triggers it had in it. I don't know what problems you guys cause with that, but for me it works just perfectly, and the advanced triggers enable new ways of playing, which would never have been possible in the past.

After all, Blizz does a good job with the map editor, but well it still can get better.

If you use a 3rd party program however, I always advice caution, and the use of a security copy of your map from time to time, that is not too much work, but it will definatly aid you in map making, this is all I can say. WE Unlimited really rules :)
Level 22
May 11, 2004
First of all a lot of work was put into this, I think it is quite unfair of you of calling it a 3rd party mess, after all you didn't create something like that

Well obviously. If I made my own map editor, I wouldnt release it until all possible bugs were ironed out, which obviously didnt happen with WEU. Honestly, I am so sick and tired of people coming in here with problems caused by WEU. I am so very tempted to delete the shit from the tools section just to save us all the trouble.

Second, most of its "advanced triggers" can be done using the normal WE triggers, it just takes a little more time...a small price to pay for keeping your maps bug free and safe from spontanious crashes and loss of files.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
I never had problems with WEU but hey. It has some errors. In WEU 1.18 if you search in the ghoul the HP is 340. When i test the map, the HP is 330. And i think to myself "wtf?". Actually, i'm gonna try to learn JASS soon. Almost everything is possible with JASS and I want to know the multiple things i can do with it.

One suggestion is clicking Edit and click Convert to Text. You will see that your trigger was converted into JASS. Actually, you should usually do this with advanced spells you make or spells that use many functions to prevent memomry leaking.
What does this all mean? Means that JASS is also triggers. Just that in a different way of triggering.

Level 4
Aug 14, 2005
Well yes, this might be true, but, just look at it, if you create a world editor, there are SO MANY diffrent things to test, you just can't squish all bugs. The only problem is that there will probably be no new WEU, who could solve the problems which we have here.

However, I always had lots of fun with WEU, the advanced triggers definatly save a lot of work, and there are many more diffrent things which you can do with it, includig better Object editing.

Well, if you don't like it, that's your right, however I will stick with WEU ;)
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