Werid White Particle Bugs after Testing map.

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Level 3
Jan 4, 2008
When I import models and icons that goes beyond 3mb memory file for the map and test it. I used whatever unit and used to attack a enemy or creep. Like a Rifleman shoots his gun, the particle target is white, not a yellow spark. Because the map that I made is 6mb, what is the problem, I tried fixing it. But it doesn't work, but the map is not damaged or corrupted, it just shows weird particles. Is the map file to high for Warcraft III?

Here is my map that I uploaded two days ago. http://www.hiveworkshop.com/resources_new/maps/6035/
Level 11
Feb 18, 2004
The size of a map should have no effect on such things. (To a point, of course. a 50 GB map would likely not work too well.) However, a map must be under 4 MB in size to be hosted and played on battle.net and LAN.

Unable to test maps right now... linux without windows.
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