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Weird lag??

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Level 3
May 1, 2008
Greetings people!
I have been working on something.. And i have been wondering for a while now, this map i have been working on lags each second in game play for like a half second, its like *lag!.. ok.. lag!.. ok.. lag!.. ok..* and its not something that fades away.. The lag isn't connection lag, its game lag, as in spikes.
So everything stands still for a half second and then works fine again for 1 second, then suddenly same spike again. Is this because of leaks? or because of heavy size on the map? Too much dodad? Its not the units that lags only, its everything.. Everything freezes each second for a half sec, anyone has any idea of what it could be?..
Level 3
May 1, 2008
is there any trigger that operates during the lag spike?

Well actually the lag spike begins already when the game begins.. No trigger is triggered then.. Even though the lag spike continue to come and fade each second, its weird.. I have no trigger that operates each second or such..
Level 9
Dec 6, 2007
disable a trigger, and if that doesn't work, disable a different one. keep doing this until you find the trigger that causes the problem. if that doesn't work, than the cause is an over complex terrain and/or units.
Level 3
May 1, 2008
disable a trigger, and if that doesn't work, disable a different one. keep doing this until you find the trigger that causes the problem. if that doesn't work, than the cause is an over complex terrain and/or units.

I done what u said, and now it got even more weird.
I kept deleting a trigger and tried out the map to see if the lag was gone or not, finally i deleted a trigger and the lag stopped.. Now i reput all my triggers back EXEPT that trigger, and the lag was back.. wtf? >.<
Level 17
Apr 13, 2008
Many, many things can cause lag. From models to special effects, too much doodads, from spikes to lousy scripts and leaks, etc, etc, almost anything. I think you'll have to figure it out yourself or post your map and cross your fingers so someone might take the time and effort to download and check it for you. :p
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