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Weapon Attachments Without Triggers

Level 2
Jul 9, 2007
This is a tutorial I made to help all the people who want to add attachments to their units without using triggers(A beginners guide). This particular one will show you how to add a weapon to unit without using triggers. I tried to be as thorough as I could with this so that you will not need to look at tutorials again on how to do this.

Attaching a Weapon to a Unit

1. Open up world editor and load a map or create a new map.

2. Open up the object editor.

3. This is what should come up.

4. Click on the abilities tab as shown in the image.

5. Now click on the + next to 'Special'.

6. When it comes down with more lists click on the + next to 'items'. Scroll down until you find 'Item Damage Bonus (+1)'

7. Right click on 'Item Damage Bonus (+1)' and click 'New Custom Ability'

8. It should come up with this little box.

9. With that box open change the name to anything you want. I will call mine sword damage.

10. Now open the import manager.

11. Click on 'Import File'

12. Now select the files you want to import and import them.

13.Now your files are imported into your map.

14. Make sure you change the filepaths and have the correct ones so that your models will work in map(Make sure you know the filepath!)

15. Here as you can see I have changed my filepaths so that my model will now work.

16. Now go back to the custom ability you made and we are going to change ''Art - Target' 'Art - Target Attachment Point 1' and 'Art -Target Attachments'

17. Double click on 'Art - Target and it should come up with a window now click 'Add Model'

18. Where it says 'Import' click on the little dot on its left and then scroll down the menu next to it until you find your weapon file.

19. Now bring up 'Art - Target Attachment Point 1' and click on add string. We will need to add two separate strings here.

20. Make one called 'left' and then click on 'Add String'

21. Now make another called 'hand'

22. Now open up 'Art - Target Attachments' and change it to 1.

23. If you want to change the damage the weapon gives when picked up click on 'Data - Attack Bonus'. I changed my damage bonus on my sword to 0 so that it gives no damage bonus.

24. Now click on the item tab and click the + next to Permanent.

25. Scroll down until you see Claws of Attack, I used Claws of Attack (+12) but it does not matter which you use because the (+ Damage) does not mean anything because we will be changing the ability it has. Right click on the item and click to create a new custom item. I will name mine Aragorn Sword.

26. Now we are going to change 'Abilities - Abilities'

27. Click on the Ability you see in the new menu and then go down and click the 'Edit Ability' button.

28. Now when it comes up with the new menu go over to where it says all and bring the scroll menu down, click on custom. Choose the custom ability we made.

29. It should now have your custom ability.

30. Now bring up the unit pallet(Default shortcut is U)

31. Go to the scroll menu and go down until you see 'Item'.

32. It should now bring up a menu like this in the pallet.
Scroll down to the bottom until you see a separate sub heading called 'Custom' and your item should be in there.

33. Place the item and then you can test your map and see if it works.

I made a map so that you can learn if this tutorial has not helped you or just want to see the end result.


  • Attachments-Tutorial.w3x
    70.6 KB · Views: 96
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
The information included herein seems to duplicate a portion of the existing tutorial: How to: Attach a Model or an Effect to a Unit

That aside, please review the sticky thread:

The Hive Workshop > Warcraft III Tutorials > » Tutorial Submission « >
General Tutorial Submitting Rules and Guidelines - Read Before Posting!
All image files must be attached to your post. We don't wish to be dependent on other sites (to avoid situations in which the server that hosts images fails, thus damaging the tutorial).
Level 2
Jul 9, 2007
I tried uploading them on this website but then it will not let me add text under or over them. Also about the duplicating of the portion, I had just finished the tutorial and then I realised that it said 'Remember to search before posting'. I searched and found that tutorial, sorry if it looks similar but I did not know that tutorial existed when I was making this one.

I find it reasonable if you want to graveyard it because there is already one.
and yet,my way is a bit more versatile:
create ability:
fire orb (item ability)
missile:your choice
special:your choice
target:item of choice
attachment point:left/right hand.
you can make your weapon more versatile when it comes to damage with that,allow ranged attacks with it and give it a possible AOE to go with it enabling your heroes second attack.