What colour-codes do you need? I don't mean "most of them" i mean, do you want any specifically?
<> = text you want coloured
Red is |c00ff0000<>|r
Green is |c0000ff00<>|r
Blue is |c000000ff<>|r
Yellow is |c00ffff00<>|r
Magenta/Bright Purple is |c00ff00ff<>|r
Deeper purple/violet is |c00a400ff<>|r
Cyan is |c0000ffff<>|r
Teal is |c0000ffca<>|r
White is |c00ffffff<>|r (although you don't need it that much)
Black is |c00000000<>|r
Medium grey is |c007c7c7c<>|r
Goldish is |c00ffbd00<>|r
If you need any others, just ask.