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Wc3 Protection: _Evo design a new Protection file

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Level 5
Jul 4, 2005
We'll working on a Protection program, wich files makes warcraft Cant read the edited map. even if you edit, or dont edit. well consume making a protection, that makes the warcraft load the KB size of the map only. even if it is lower or higher warcraft cant read it. just like: 4000 KB is to high kilobited map. so this protection makes people being able to learn of your maps, but not claim.

Sounds good?
well dont consume to tell how to unprotect it... only to protect.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
low-life said:
English **** do you speak it?
more than just ppl from the US visit this site ignoramus... and your grasp of the english language isn't something to brag about
regardless, this isn't protection in the traditional sense, but it's close enough that it won't be welcomed with open arms here. protection is frowned upon at this site because it stops people from being able to learn from your maps, as well as copy triggers they find useful. this protection does not stop those actions, but stops people from editing your map like traditional protection. it sounds like it would be rather complex to program, but if u guys can get it to work it would most likely be praised by members of this site for both protecting your map from rigging nubs and allowing beginner mapmakers to learn from your maps.
Level 16
Oct 30, 2004
I must agree with Lowlife. Tharadors english is horrible. Didnt understand a thing when i read it first. So you are making some kind of protecting program that displays triggers but wont allow anybody to edit them?
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
english is one of the hardest languages to learn, right up there with japanese and (pick your dialect of chinese). if we gave you a japanese dictionary and told you to start learning, your sentences would translate awfully like Tharador's. and don't nitpick about language if you're not willing to use simple little things like apostrophes.
more than just ppl from the US visit this site ignoramus
did you NOT read that? contrary to any beliefs you may hold, the most spoken language in the world is the mandarin dialect of chinese, and not enlgish. please correct me if i'm wrong about it being mandarin, but it sure as hell isn't english.

Tharadors english is horrible. Didnt understand a thing when i read it first.
are you saying you're not smart enough to understand someone who only knows the basics of english? if you go through and search all the posts on wc3, even just in the mapping section, you'll find enough typos to make your head hurt. another thing, really advanced writings may not make sense when you first read through them either, and a LOT of stupid ppl know that.
Level 8
Jul 23, 2005
uhm... aren't we sorta getting off topic? Just a little? If anything, we should be tlaking about shunning map protection or something... or closing the topic...
Level 8
Feb 10, 2006
For your information elpy. "English mot_her_fuc_ker do you speak it" is a quote from Pulp Fiction. And i don't want to hear anything about language from someone who uses word "ppl".

>english is one of the hardest languages to learn
What the fuck? You're joking right? English is almost the easiest. And Chinese language is much more difficult than Japanese.

>did you NOT read that?
We did, but "ignoramus" is a noun, so we couldn't make out the sentence :(

>if we gave you a japanese dictionary and told you to start learning, your sentences would translate awfully like Tharador's.
That's why i'm not picking my nose to 2chan. Because i don't speak japanese. (kitaaaaa---------(oAo)---------!!)

>and don't nitpick about language if you're not willing to use simple little things like apostrophes.
And fucking use capital letters and don't use word "ppl" if you're nitpicking about language.

>the most spoken language in the world
Guess what. This is internet, not the world. English is the most spoken language here.

PS: Please do not misunderstand us. We're not flaming him beacuse of his language. No, no. We're just flaming. Just because we can, just because of anonymity. And you, with your puny "more than just ppl from the US visit this site ignoramus" can't stop us.

PPS: Preskooldude. Are you a mod? No? Shut up.
Level 16
Oct 30, 2004
Your going bit off topic ephy. Sorry if i offended your boyfriend. No need to get worked up. His english is horrible and you cant argue with that, no matter how fancy words you pull out of the dictionary.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
For your information elpy. "English mot_her_fuc_ker do you speak it" is a quote from Pulp Fiction. And i don't want to hear anything about language from someone who uses word "ppl".
i'm in going into my junior year of high school, and i'm expected to have read Pulp Fiction?
>english is one of the hardest languages to learn
What the ****? You're joking right? English is almost the easiest. And Chinese language is much more difficult than Japanese.
yeah, because remembering that ph can sound like "f" AND also be silent is so terribly easy to someone that doesn't speak english. remembering that the letter for the a in apple and the a in father comes from the SAME character is EASY. if you're old enough to be programming something, you're old enough that learning a new complex language is going to be just a little more than hard.
>did you NOT read that?
We did, but "ignoramus" is a noun, so we couldn't make out the sentence :(
okay i suppose that may have been slightly misdirecting because i WAS using ignoramus as a noun, and directing it in your direction.
>if we gave you a japanese dictionary and told you to start learning, your sentences would translate awfully like Tharador's.
That's why i'm not picking my nose to 2chan. Because i don't speak japanese. (kitaaaaa---------(oAo)---------!!)
and TharadOr doesn't speak english.
>and don't nitpick about language if you're not willing to use simple little things like apostrophes.
And **** use capital letters and don't use word "ppl" if you're nitpicking about language.
A)i'm not nitpicking about language, i'm nitpicking about YOUR nitpicking about language; B) Guess what. This is the internet. i called you out for apostrophes because you were nitpicking about TharadOr's language. nobody cares about capitalization, or apostrophes, or abbreviations on this forum, and we all know that. fyi, "ppl" is a phrase, and/or abbreviation.
>the most spoken language in the world
Guess what. This is internet, not the world. English is the most spoken language here.
maybe the most spoken language on THIS part of it. are you oblivious to world events, or have you not noticed that the internet is becoming cheap enough for smaller countries?
PS: Please do not misunderstand us. We're not flaming him beacuse of his language. No, no. We're just flaming. Just because we can, just because of anonymity. And you, with your puny "more than just ppl from the US visit this site ignoramus" can't stop us.
tough day at the brothel? :| the only thing that doesn't need anything to be said about it. as long as u kno that if ur christian or jewish, ur probably one or two steps closer to spending ur afterlife on fire.

Sorry if i offended your boyfriend
not gay, just helping someone i don't know. contrary to popular belief, standing up for ppl u don't know is a good deed.
His english is horrible and you cant argue with that, no matter how fancy words you pull out of the dictionary.
yeah, but A) he obviously doesn't come from an english speaking country, cut him some slack for that; B) you try learning a foreign language completely up to a native speaker's standards, it's harder than you think; C) so i get flamed for standing up for ppl who don't know enough english to stand up for themselves? depending on what type of christian you may or may not be, i'm doing a very good thing by standing up for this poor guy as far as i am. you know what prejudice is right? disliking people for things as little as the colour of their skin, or the place of their birth. this is the exact same thing, except with language; D) i'm not using fancy words.
Your going bit off topic ephy.
really? gasp! low-life went off topic by insulting TharadOr's poor english. nothing about the program in that post, nothing at all. take a look at it. it's just there insulting TharadOr's english. everyone post DHK has been off topic except for my first post in this topic, and even that has off topic material in it. did you notice THAT? your posts have been off topic too. it's like in cartoons where you have a little snowball rolling down a mountain and then that same snowball becomes big enough to take out a house.

PS: see that? i used the phrase ppl again, and nobody cares except that you can use it as a point in your argument.
Level 8
Feb 10, 2006
>i'm in going into my junior year of high school, and i'm expected to have read Pulp Fiction?
It's a movie lol. Ever heard name Quentin Tarantino?

>yeah, because remembering that ph can sound like "f" AND also be silent is so terribly easy to someone that doesn't speak english. remembering that the letter for the a in apple and the a in father comes from the SAME character is EASY
OKAY. Straight to point.
-- No declension
-- No Grammatical gender
-- Always same Subject-Object for of sentence.

I don't even want to continue list. My first language is Russian. It's fucкing ten time more difficult. I studied Deutsch. Deutsch is more difficult.

>okay i suppose that may have been slightly misdirecting because i WAS using ignoramus as a noun, and directing it in your direction.
You don't use nouns like this. eiter add "are" or use adjective.

>and TharadOr doesn't speak english.
So he shouldn't pick his nose here.

>i'm nitpicking about YOUR nitpicking about language
Here too? "and your grasp of the english language isn't something to brag about" "are you saying you're not smart enough to understand someone who only knows the basics of english?"

>nobody cares about capitalization, or apostrophes, or abbreviations on this forum
I care lol.

>maybe the most spoken language on THIS part of it. are you oblivious to world events, or have you not noticed that the internet is becoming cheap enough for smaller countries?
Did you say "is becoming"? It's still not cheap enough, and English is still most used.

>tough day at the brothel? icon_neutral.gif the only thing that doesn't need anything to be said about it. as long as u kno that if ur christian or jewish, ur probably one or two steps closer to spending ur afterlife on fire.
Hahaha, oh wow. Right.

Aahahaha, "standing up for ppl u don't know is a good deed". Standing up for random people in internet is sure a serious busness! Be sure, place in heaven is already reserved for you.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
:| i suppose mecheon is right. by now TharadOr is probably more concerned about his english than his protection program
>yeah, because remembering that ph can sound like "f" AND also be silent is so terribly easy to someone that doesn't speak english. remembering that the letter for the a in apple and the a in father comes from the SAME character is EASY
OKAY. Straight to point.
-- No declension
-- No Grammatical gender
-- Always same Subject-Object for of sentence.
since mecheon told us to stop, i'll offer a compromise and say that i suppoese english's difficulty could depend on the language(s) you grew up on. english is so hard because there's so many exceptions to rules. "there" vs "here", vowels have multiple pronunciations, silent w in "two", etc. not to mention the score of dialects that exist in the US alone. oh btw i mean "gh" not "ph".

My first language is Russian.
so when did you start learning english?

>nobody cares about capitalization, or apostrophes, or abbreviations on this forum
I care lol.
uh i guess ppl do care then...

Aahahaha, "standing up for ppl u don't know is a good deed". Standing up for random people in internet is sure a serious busness! Be sure, place in heaven is already reserved for you.
A) i'm not christian, B) i'm standing up for him because it's what's right, not because it moves me closer to the ever absent "God" of the world, who is only there when it doesn't really matter. i said it was a good deed because neither you or Mini-Me really seem to think so.

>i'm in going into my junior year of high school, and i'm expected to have read Pulp Fiction?
It's a movie lol. Ever heard name Quentin Tarantino?
i'm getting into a huge argument and becoming a scapegoat for someone i don't even know, and i'm expected to have a social life that involves movies? my corner of the world is even smaller than yours. i know who quentin tarantino is but his only movies that i can name are Kill Bill and Kill Bill vol. 2 :|
Level 16
Oct 30, 2004
since mecheon told us to stop, i'll offer a compromise

Thats one of the worst compromises i've ever seen. After saying that, you continue on your argueing and quoting us and making your flamefull remarks. Since mecheons authority wasnt enough for you to stop, i suggest that you get banned for a month, only way to stop you from replying to this post and continueing flaming.
Level 8
Feb 10, 2006
How about expanding your corner of the world instead of getting into a huge argument

>i'm standing up for him because it's what's right
There are no right and no wrong things.. Or more like there are no global right and wrong, they're different for eachother person. We don't really want to know what's right for you.

>so when did you start learning english?
5th grade probably, or 7th

>since mecheon told us to stop, i'll offer a compromise and say that i suppoese english's difficulty could depend on the language(s) you grew up on. english is so hard because there's so many exceptions to rules. "there" vs "here", vowels have multiple pronunciations, silent w in "two", etc. not to mention the score of dialects that exist in the US alone. oh btw i mean "gh" not "ph".
"english's difficulty could depend on the.." slightly differs from "english is one of the hardest languages to learn" don't you think? What's your language? How do you study language? I mean common, you don't need rules or exceptions to be able to speak. Learn words, texts by heart, listen to english speech, read, and everything will come by itself.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
well i suppose the almighty mods would be glad that the flaming died down
Minime would you please shut up don't you see we're enjoying ourselves.
yeah, it's been a while since i've had any sort of intelligent interaction, argument or otherwise, with someone that hasn't been on a WC3 chat room, and this is still talking through a digital medium.
if you're a girl, depending on how sensitive you are, you might need both hands to enjoy yourself on your own. okay i'm moving away from that now since i'm probably getting closer than i should to breaking rules.
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004


When I say "Stop", that means you two STOP and don't carry on your argument. It also means I intend for this topic to be deleted

Low-life, I highly suggest you learn what Authority means. That means when I say "Shut up", that means your fun ends and when you tell the person who told you this to also shut up, I get angry
Teh_Ephy, learn what "STOP" means. Your "Compromise" was a continuation of your bloody flamewar you're having here, but at least you understood for the briefest of seconds that it was time to call it quits

Now, how's about both of you post once more in this topic as conformation that you'll stop this debate, before I give you both a smack around the heads with the Banstick?
Level 8
Feb 10, 2006
Mecheon who are you? Don't you think i can register another account? I know what Authority means. You're not that "authority". If you're closing topic, close it. If you're here to hear "YES MY LORD Mecheon I AM SINCERELY SORRY WILL YOU PLEASE LET ME LICK YOUR DICK", you won't hear it.

how's about conformation how's about conformation how's about conformation how's about conformation how's about conformation how's about conformation how's about conformation how's about conformation

I read your signature. the Oz02 part. Okay i get it, the latter opportunity is the case here, you want to hear the phrase. I'm not saying it.
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
low-life said:
Mecheon who are you? Don't you think i can register another account?

And I can ban it on sight. Counter gone. But I only ban in the most extreme circumstances

I know what Authority means. You're not that "authority". If you're closing topic, close it.

I can't close it. I have no power here. Having no power, I attempted to get you two to quit your childish squabble and expected both of you to handle it in a mature and responsible maner. Then Ephy restarts the fight rather than accepting an arbitorial cease

If you're here to hear "YES MY LORD Mecheon I AM SINCERELY SORRY WILL YOU PLEASE LET ME LICK YOUR DICK", you won't hear it.

If I wanted to hear people suck up to me, I wouldn't have became a moderator and instead would have made a popular map. I simply want you two to quit your disruption on a topic which a moderator who has power here should have closed long ago

how's about conformation how's about conformation how's about conformation how's about conformation how's about conformation how's about conformation how's about conformation how's about conformation

Its not conformation. Its stopping a problem at its source

I read your signature. the Oz02 part.

Was paraphrased from a topic where some idiot who said he worked for Blizzard when he obviously didn't paraphrased my own quotes to make himself look right before getting damn well forced off the forum

Okay i get it, the latter opportunity is the case here, you want to hear the phrase. I'm not saying it.

The phrase I want to hear is that you and Ephy will stop your squabble. I presume all people who visit this forum are mature, despite being proven wrong many times. You two say you'll cease your fight before this thing escalates out of hand, like one I remember from the old Forum Game topic, and I'll believe you
Level 8
Feb 10, 2006
>And I can ban it on sight. Counter gone. But I only ban in the most extreme circumstances

1. How will you know it's me.
2. I'll create more

>I attempted to get you two to quit your childish squabble and expected both of you to handle it in a mature and responsible maner.

We (I) don't want to end it in any manner.

>I simply want you two to quit your disruption on a topic which a moderator who has power here should have closed long ago

The problem is not with us, but with moderation of forum.

>Was paraphrased from a topic where some idiot who said he worked for Blizzard when he obviously didn't paraphrased my own quotes to make himself look right before getting damn well forced off the forum

I really wanted to know that.

>before this thing escalates out of hand

What will happen? Someone of us will become an hero like Mitchell? Internet is serious buisness.
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
low-life said:
1. How will you know it's me.

Via either your IP address, or your behaviour if you have a dynamic IP address

2. I'll create more

Repeat my earlier statement until forever. Wormskull kept making account after account as well, didn't stop us from banning him, though he was much more hilerious than your normal random person

We (I) don't want to end it in any manner.

Clear cut case of the needs of the many being greater than the needs of the individual

The problem is not with us, but with moderation of forum.

So you think its acceptable behaviour for, at forums, two people to go on a complete bitching spree at each other?

What will happen? Someone of us will become an hero like Mitchell? Internet is serious buisness.

No, you might disrupt other parts of the forum
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