WC3 Disconnecting Problem

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Level 4
Jul 3, 2007
Hello, I'm not sure if this is the place to post this but, I recently had to reformat my hard drive and before the reformat, WC3 ran just fine, now it disconnects and lags and everything else. It wasn't doing this before I reformatted and I have no clue what's causing it. I allowed it through firewall, ran it as admin (I have Vista 32-bit), ran it as admin in XP Service Pack 2, and it without admin or XP, ran it with just XP and it still lags and disconnects. My internet connection is as strong as it possibly can be. I don't know what could be causing it and yeah I'm aware this isn't really something to post about but I was just wondering if maybe someone encountered this problem before and knows how to fix it?
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Level 4
Jul 3, 2007
Don't you love it when old software bugs out?

Uninstall and Install, see if it works

Ok, I'll try that, thanks for the suggestion.

Eleandor said:
Wireless gives me problems too. I guess it's because it time-outs a lot, and battle.net doesn't like that. Try using an ethernet cable and reproduce the problem. If you can't, it's got to be the wireless connection.

I would try that, but sadly the router I connect to is in another room and that would take about a good 10 feet of cable, which we don't have.. thanks for the suggestion though.

EDIT: I tried to uninstall and reinstall but it didn't work, it seemed like it helped though. I'll try looking into getting a router for my computer or something along those lines. Thanks for the help.
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