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water Shark bomb jutsu

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Level 7
Jan 15, 2008
Iv tried many times but i can't make it(kisames jutsu)2 Sharks in one model plz:grin:

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Level 7
Jan 15, 2008
I mean a model of 2 water shark colliding coming from a big water sphear(tails coming from) LONG TAILS

I sort of need a spell map containing the water shark bomb when collide with heads make a sphear too
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Level 8
Sep 25, 2007
mmmhh... im not a modeler , so i cant give ya the sfx... also , im the #1 naruto fan , so no problem ... also , there is something i dont get.
this attack, make damage is AoE? or make damage to only 1 unit?
Level 8
Sep 25, 2007
mmmmmhh... you can use flame strike , and reduce a lil the AoE ... then change the effects with the sfx. and then just put the damage and the things you want. but , the only problem is that flame strike makes damage per sec. if you can modify that in the Object Editor the skill dun need triggers.
(if it is possible, you have to put that this skill does 200 damage (example) in 1 second , and that will be solve) , if not , a trigger will be required.

first of all , you should request the model (sfx). if not , this skill wont be realistic :grin:...
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
A hint guys: Dont expect someone to come here and model it for you. No private modeling allowed. Are you working on a map or something? If yes, tell us about it. We aren't suposed to model for no reason on THW.
Level 7
Jan 15, 2008
problem i made a wisp model and put it into my map then i saved it and restarted it when it was done loading 13 seconds after it was done loading it crashed so i lost 1\3 of my hard work but a have a back up but doesn't have too much ill try to remake my map
Level 7
Jan 15, 2008
heros itach kisame deidara zetsu pein konan kakuzu sasori hidan tobi Orochimaru kabuto sakon\ukon Tayuya Kimimaro and a few others big boss is kuubi recipe system and survivor mode every 25 minutes a demon attacks boths bases
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
How can negative reputation be canceled?

Cancelling Bad/Negative Reputation

Users that have received reputation penalties at the Hive Workshop may have those penalties voided under certain circumstances.


* You were awarded negative reputation.
* Your last "neg rep message" was made a long time ago.
* You have been behaving correctly for one month.
* You are currently active on the forums.

Depending on your current situation, you are eligible for canceling bad rep to -1 (if you had a lot of negative reputation) or to 0. Bad/negative reputation messages are like warnings: if you demonstrate that you have learned from them you can lose the negative rep.

If you want to plead your case before the administration, create a new thread about it in the Hive's Admin Contact Forum

Please describe your situation in detail. Include valid references and hyperlinks so that you and your conduct can be judged honestly.

Nuff said........
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