How can negative reputation be canceled?
Cancelling Bad/Negative Reputation
Users that have received reputation penalties at the Hive Workshop may have those penalties voided under certain circumstances.
* You were awarded negative reputation.
* Your last "neg rep message" was made a long time ago.
* You have been behaving correctly for one month.
* You are currently active on the forums.
Depending on your current situation, you are eligible for canceling bad rep to -1 (if you had a lot of negative reputation) or to 0. Bad/negative reputation messages are like warnings: if you demonstrate that you have learned from them you can lose the negative rep.
If you want to plead your case before the administration, create a new thread about it in the Hive's Admin Contact Forum
Please describe your situation in detail. Include valid references and hyperlinks so that you and your conduct can be judged honestly.