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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
A Blood Elf Watch Tower, i replaced the skulls with asian paper lamps, else is CNP, this is a conceptual request for the sketch downthere, i need a modeler to make a Model by using the concept and ill gladly make the skin!


orc, blood, elf, high, night, elven, watch, tower, building. guard, arrow, archer

BloodElfWatchTower (Texture)

17:30, 7th Aug 2011 shiiK: I don't think this is useful enough to justify the large amount of CnP. Rejected (until updated).




17:30, 7th Aug 2011
shiiK: I don't think this is useful enough to justify the large amount of CnP. Rejected (until updated).
Don't you read the rule?
Only 25% of CnP allowed not full CnP
Don't compare this to the Naga Catapult

u already shited your self when u sayd DONT COMPARE THIS WITH THE NAGA CATAPULT. and i already said this isnt mine, it belongs to blizzard -.-"!

They should at least make that the rule to: Reject bad shaded/looking/not fitting skins.

And if more than 25% CnP to make the author recognize that it isnt his work but blizzards one work. Aff

Level 2
Apr 20, 2011
Lol. "Belongs to blizzard" could be used for all the rejected textures to allow them in, there is a reason why the rule states only 25% CnP is allowed because it removes the originality of the resource, if everyone copied and pasted, it would reduce the quality of all skins. Look, im not insulting you as i cant texture myself, yet the rules are the rules, and this is full copy n paste.
Lol. "Belongs to blizzard" could be used for all the rejected textures to allow them in, there is a reason why the rule states only 25% CnP is allowed because it removes the originality of the resource, if everyone copied and pasted, it would reduce the quality of all skins. Look, im not insulting you as i cant texture myself, yet the rules are the rules, and this is full copy n paste.

yes but the idea is to have an use, and else the originality rule should also apply on it!, if a skin looks like other in the hive it should not be approved.

I think that they also have lost the idea of the "utility or use rule"....
Now now...
You say 'originality'?
Look at the CnP parts...
Do they Originaly made by you? No
Do they shaded, &colored by you? No

Yes it isnt original, i never sayd it was, but it is usefull, though the only things ive made by myself where the banner and the paper lamps (and that sunny circle over the door)

What i mean is that there should be rules to dont waste good skins just cause of the originality (analize it):

If a work has more than 25% CnP from BLIZZ artwork it should belong to blizzard (or to sammy --the one who did many of the artwork--), and it could be accepted. Else if it results to look like too much as another skin in the hive it should be rejected by the use of the originality rule...

Ill never say this skin is original but it is useful, originality is overated...
You could talk about this 'originality' to the mods
if you can make skin, why didn't you make all freehand?
Why you cnp from other people's work?
No offense

Cause i wanted to keep the Blizz style within the skin. The best way wast to do it CnP, else i could do somethings like the paper lamp, some decoration or anything. If i wanted to go out of style and to create something that had my own style i would have done it, im just working on what i need and consider useful (if u watched the sketch u know what i need).

Are u a modeler?
Level 10
Apr 22, 2010
If you ask me, i dont give a rat's ass about Originality, as long as its useful, and the skin isnt duplicated by another on the hive, i think this should be approves. in the past, i have made asian themed skins for the human buildings, but because of originalty, they were rejected, even though people did think it was useful.
If you ask me, i dont give a rat's ass about Originality, as long as its useful, and the skin isnt duplicated by another on the hive, i think this should be approves. in the past, i have made asian themed skins for the human buildings, but because of originalty, they were rejected, even though people did think it was useful.

You might not give a rats arse but a lot of people do.
You might not give a rats arse but a lot of people do.

yes, it is obvious that those are the ones whom do not do mapping. And through it is cinical to accept models with CnP skins (many models are just a reskin of a model with the path to it). Then why not to set standars for CnP useful skins for the hive?... cinism everywhere
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
If you ask me, enough effort has been put into this one. It's a pretty nice skin too.

For all the haters here:
1.There are no others watch tower skins on this site, nor anywhere else on the Internet, so I think the claims tht this skin lacks originality ar sheer idiocy. Myself, I was amused, as I never thought that an elven tower could be made out of this model.
2.I can literally count all the building skins on my fingers, so if someone makes nice looking skins, I dnt give a shit if it's CnP or not! CnP should be deleted if it looks bad, and this is a fine piece of work
3. Rules changed you know, and the author has the FULL right to refer to the Naga Catapult skin, seeing as 67chrome himself said that rules were changed, referring to the naga catapult.