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Warp World: Episode One

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Warp World: Episode One
Created by 0neM4n4rmy

Map Info:

The Norgrans and Magikans have been fighting each other for years now, unaware of the new threat arriving...

Warp World is an RTS Campaign, with new units, new storyline, new races, and a new world. You will play as Baren, one of the war chiefs of the Norgran race. Your mortal enemy, the Magikans, have invaded your island decades ago, running from an evil lord, K'ssan. K'ssan is a demonic Warp Lord, dedicated to the destruction of all life. Now he will return, and Baren must be ready to face a foe greater than of the Magikans


As mentioned before, Warp World is an RTS campaign, with new units to play with, and a deep storyline that will unfold mysteriously. Warp World features 3 new races: Norgrans, a green skin race which use brute force and the power of the Warp, Magikans, humans who have adapted to using Magik, a new source of power recently found, and the Warpers, a cunning race, who rose from the depths of the planet Earth, who worships and serves the Warp Lord.

Warp World does not have custom models on the units. They may look similar but have different attack, defence and uses. Warp World also has beautiful environments and different base building gameplay, for example, requiring a lot of wood for building buildings.

Warp World also features a great storyline. It is great, not because it's just great, but because you can control the flow of your storyline to your will. You can make decisions, that WILL affect your storyline, and cause conflict, or resolve them. Making decisions can also make a map harder than usual if the wrong decision is made. This decision will be brought into the rest of the Warp World 1 episodes, and into Warp World 2, Warp World 3, etc. This is inspired by Mass Effect, thank you Bioware! XD


Image Description:
My Norgrans allies (green) attacking a Warper's base (dark green)


Image Description:
Me as Norgrans (red) protecting my Norgrans allies (yellow) as they flee from the massive Warper army (gray)


Image Description:
Me as Norgrans (red) battling out with the Warpers (gray)


Image Description:
Just showing you the view



Music that are used ingame are from:
The Homefront Album - Jeremy Soule
Protectors of the Earth - Two Steps From Hell
Models - Blizzard

Special Thanks:
  • Kobas for the template
  • The community of Hiveworkshop
  • Vista_sucks

Author's notes:

Warp World: Episode One would be the testing of different custom AIs, and which custom AI, players prefer to fight with. It would also test if players enjoy the hotkeys, units, and buildings given in the campaign. Episode One does not have a great storyline yet. In fact, it is still unfolding.
This is the first campaign I've uploaded and I am considering in making the rest of the Warp World episodes.

If there are any bugs, or any imbalance on either race (except Warpers, they are meant to be overpowered), please send me a private message and it would be good if you can give me ideas for the second episode, because I'm still a noob in map making. I hope you would consider downloading and testing this map and that you will enjoy this short campaign.

Just to any moderators out there. Can you tell me why this campaign is still not approved or rejected? does something need fix, added, etc. Is there a requirement for maps to be approved? does it have to be a certain rating? a certain download? any help would be appreciated! :)

Change Log:

Update 1:
-The Dragon Rider in Chapter Two: Xon Valley does not require a Fortress anymore.

Update 2:
-Baren does not disappear anymore in Prologue Part One: The First Step.

-The Spear Thrower now has heavy armor, instead of medium armor.

-'Load Baren' command is now removed, due to the cause of Baren disappearing.

Update 3:
-Sage Burner's Burning Fury spell. You now need to research the Burning Fury upgrade to be able to use the Sage Burner's burning fury.

-Burning Fury now has 15% chance to stun and stuns a unit for 2 seconds.

Fantasy, Medieval, War, Evil, Good, Strategy

Warp World: Episode One (Campaign)

Vengeancekael - Date: 2012/Apr/14 14:47:45 Reasons: Poor and lacking terrain: Terrain Tutorial Poor Gameplay, not a lot of originality or fun: General Mapping Tutorials Other: Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials Check out the Map...




Level 5
Feb 3, 2012
I don't know how placing pictures would help. All unit models are the same and gameplay cannot be seen through pictures. But if you wanted some pictures then I would be happy to oblige. I will place some if I have the time. And how do you put pictures anyway, I'm still new.
Level 5
Feb 3, 2012
Screenshot Warp World: Episode One

This is the screenshot for Warp World: Episode One. I hope this would help people better understand the content of the game. Pictures speak a thousand words, right? I posted this as a request from MrStormyZ. I know I really give bad screenshots probably so if you want more screenshots then just request.


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Level 5
Feb 3, 2012
well it needs a fix.you need to give atleast 5 already working peons in chapter1
The workers are meant not to work. I just placed them there. But if you insist in making them working, then I will update it later. I'll wait until the bugs stack up then I'll make an update.
EDIT: Sorry I think I misunderstood u. Do u mean the prologue part one? In the prologue, there is no workers. You are constantly given money by Gorlak who collects the money for you. You only have a barracks that can only train grunts and your hero, Baren. The very first mission is meant to be like that. The second mission is when base building starts to come in. At that mission, there is at least 5 workers for you. I hope this is what you meant.
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Level 5
Feb 3, 2012
can u point out some of the quest related bugs? and what do u mean about the item without a hero to use? ill fix the spear thrower armor to make them more balanced in my next update. thx for the feedback andreas. its good to get some critics.
EDIT: isnt more defense supposed to be something good? the spear thrower started with 0 heavy armor then it is increased to 4 when u upgrade it. im not sure whats wrong with that
Level 4
Nov 14, 2005
There's a beneficial bug with the Bat Rider unit: They already start with the unique spell trained (you don't have to pay for the upgrade)

And a suggestion about that spell would be to reduce the stun time: You can easily kill a lvl 50 enemy hero with 1-2 bat riders... just stun to death.

Overall, I liked the campaign and can't wait for the episode two to be released :p
Level 5
Feb 3, 2012
i agree the music is too much. ill remove some of the music in episode two, but i dont think ill get new models for the units. ill think about moving it to map dev. can u tell me how? and thx KingLich for pointing out the bug. ill fix the bat rider upgrade and reduce the chances of stunning an enemy.
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Tested the first 2 maps:
  • The terrain needs some work, you've spammed blizzard cliffs at too many places, use the height tool a bit more
  • Add custom, fitting spells to the blademaster, the current ones are rather boring and don't actually fit him (Magic Breath on BM :S)
  • The unarmored version of the armor icon is too big, bigger than the attack damage one
  • The spells have the wrong position, check this image:

The map needs some more work, it's hard to make a campaign, yes, but please add some more custom things to the map (units, items, spells), it feels way too generic.
Level 1
Apr 30, 2022
any more bugs guys? there's surely more around the corner
chapter 3 and chapter four baren gets loaded from cchapter 1 trigger problem
having all the warchiefs with same model and they have no special name for them selves is boring you can add models or if you dont want to use models just add some units as hero with special names that will make game better
using hero this much in game up to level 50 is very nice but you will need to add special items and difficulty system so game will get much better
had fun playing your campaign good luck