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Warcraft: Orcs and Humans

supertoinkz presents............
A map that almost copied Warcraft: Orcs and Humans.......

Warcraft: Orc and Humans

Descripiton: Its my first map uploaded and it contains data according to Warcraft: Orcs and Humans. It contains AI :p

Me => ofc
Blizzard Entertainment
Gottfrei => Orc Tower model
Ket => Human Church model
Han Han => The Stable and Orc Blacksmith model and Chruch icon are from his map (Warcraft 2)
Kel'Thuzad => Conjurer Icon
Mc ! => Conjurer model
Red XIII => Temple of the Damned model
Syroco => for uploading Blizzard's Orc Lumber Mill model
andrewegosou (TheHelper) => nice tutorial for castable divine shield
General Frank => Spearthrower model
Vexorian => Awesome map optimizer tool
Mechanical Man => Teach me how to make AIs and W3Os
XellKhaar (Conner Boehmer) => Wonderful FAQ at Gamefaqs.com
Kimberly => Wolf Breeding Icon
Callahan => Knight model
Glenphir (TheHelper) => Helped with triggering
Summoned (TheHelper) => Helped with triggering
Zack1996 => Fixed the Techtree system
Moridin (TheHelper) => Raise Dead system
LTGH => Tester ^^
Forgotten_Warlord => Tester ^^

-Make those Roads
-The awesome Harvest System
-Change the building models (3 made out of 16 models)

Thread at Map Development Section

Feedback and Bug Reporting

-Early Alpha 10-11-2009 (06:46 pm)
First release

-Mid Alpha 10-13-2009 (12:33 pm)
Changed tileset, made forces, disabled the race picking, added food to town hallz, purged some bugs

-Late Alpha-Late Beta 10-15-2009 (12:35 pm)
Changed the gold mines' gold and some minor techtree bugs. Also Released to the public

-Version A 10-15-2009 (6:40 pm)
Changed some icons

-Version B 10-16-2009 (8:36 pm)
Changed Temple's icon, fixed the Spearman techtree bug, added creeps, remove extra gold mines, added 4 abilities to Cleric/Necroylte and Conjurer/Warlock

-Version C 10-18-2009 (9:50 am)
Fixed the bug for the armor upgrade (now, it perfectly gives +1 armor)

-Version D 10-18-2009 (11:16 am)
Protected :p, added map preview image, changed the point values

-Version E 10-18-2009 (2.54 pm)
Added AI :D (Ai is weak at start, but dont let him have Wolfriders/Knights), Fixed the Upgrade Damage (now its really +1)

-Version F 10-19-2009 (6:58 pm)
Fixed waygate

-Version F2 10-20-2009 (6:35 pm)
Fixed tooltip errors, every creeps now sleeps

-Version G 10-21-2009 (8:43 am)
Added walls, upgrades on it, fixed tooltips

-Version G2 10-20-2009 (1:10 pm)
Change Orc Blacksmith model and Lumber mill Icon

-Version H 10-22-2009 (1:55 pm)
Advanced tooltips, Human Catapult to Ballista, Walls with proper upgrade, added techtree to Kennel/Stables, Church/Temple, Tower, Change the Major Summonings, Change the Unholy Armor duration, Improved the Healing, Far Seeing/Dark Vision revamped duration, Changed Wolf Rider name into Raider :p, Bigger filesize (cause of two new icons) >.>, Changed the Lances' missiles.

-Version H2 10-22-2009 (5:26 pm)
Change the build-type (now its orc's), remove the drop-point of the lumber mill

-Version I 10-24-2009 (12:15 pm)
Changed the starting units, gave some edits on Ability Tooltips, Changed the starting resources

-Version J 10-26-2009 (9:62 am)
Change the terrain to andorhal (the first one sucked)

-Version K 10-26-2009 (11: 08 am)
Change the catapult model, fixed warlock icon, remove creeps

-Version L 10-30-2009 (2:24 pm)
Added Techtree system (more confusing :p), Changed Healing hotkey, removed the ability of the Town Hall

-Version L2 10-31-2009 (9:24 am)
Added Rain of Fire/ Poison Cloud Mana system, changed the Raise Dead spell, changed model of Temple, Nerfed Siege units by slowing it, Also New batch of screenies :p

-Version L3 11-1-2009 (6:59 am)
The trees can now die after 20 hits by a peasant, disabled the Tecthree system

-Version M-P 11-11-2009 (9:18 pm)
-Changed Rain of Fire/ Poison Cloud system
-Far Seeing / Dark Vision uses a newer system
-Healing is now based on Rejuvenation (I want to rid "Auto-cast" abilities)
-Raise Dead system
-Minor summoning system
-Newer Techree System
-New Spell Research System
-Changed Player Colors
-Harder AI (they attack constantly)
-Changed Wolf Breeding 1-2 icons
-Changed Horse Breeding 1 icon
-Changed Cleric icon and model (Icon sucks D:)
-Changed Human Archer icon
-Changed Stable Icons
-Changed Pig Farm skin :p
-Added Pig Attachment to the Human Farm
-Killing Critter System
-Added 1 Hero for each race
-Added Creeps
-Changed some upgrade names ^^
-Trees takes 55 hits to die (550 hp)
-Added Wall System
-Removed the Wall upgrades
-Bigger Filesize (1.29 MB)

-Version Q 11-12-2009 (8:43 pm)
Fixed it ^^

-Version R 11-13-2009 (9:38 am)
Fixed the resource bug :D, removed Kitabatake on the list, changed Knight (Callahan) and Archer model

-Version R2 11-14-2009 (6:30 pm)
tnx to the efforts of LTGH and Forgotten_Warlord for testing my map ^^
Change Cleric and Spearthrower icon


Author wants to say
Enjoy people, don't steal it and claim it your own.
Also I wanna thank the people in the Credits list.
I also needed bug reporters, typo reporters, suggestions reportes :C, feedbackers :D
Also If you want to comment, please make it meaningful
ALSO (>.>) screenie coming soon!

If you like it, please rate it!

Warcraft 1, orcs and humans, orcs & humans, epic, Blizzard, Entertainment

Warcraft: Orcs and Humans (Map)

Level 2
Jan 22, 2009
Great map, man, but there are a few issues. There's a bug so you can't produce Orc Spearthrowers even when you have a Lumber Mill and a Barracks. Other than that, I didn't see any bugs. IMO, though, you could add Holy Lance and Shadow Lance abilities to the Necrolyte and the Cleric, respectively. Maybe put in some of the neutral units from Orcs and Humans, the Ogres, spiders, scorpions, brigands, skeletons, etc., as creeps on the map. One of the better Orcs and Humans maps out there, and finally one with a decent Stables model with a build animation...
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Im not a fan of playing standard warcraft 3 (or 1 in this case).
But you did a great job, i have Warcraft: Orcs and Humans myself.
I give it a 3,5 (4 when voting) becouse it could have been better, i want to see more warcraft 1 models, and less use of the warcraft 3 ones, and you could have choosed a better map for this. A 2v2 player map or a 1v1 player map would have been much better in this case. :)
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Good map, i give you 4/5 + rep :grin::thumbs_up: continue with good work! Look my new map :fp: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/island-fortress-1-03c-143889/

It is actually not allowed to advertise maps in another members map replys i think, i remember someone telling another guy to not link hi's own resources in another members resource replys without having permision to do so.
I may be wrong but i think it is so.
But should still try not to advertise your map in another members resource becouse it may draw the attention to your map insted of this one, and its not everyone that likes that.

Dont get angry or something, but im just telling you how it is.
I wouldent be happy if someone linked their own resources in my resource comments :(
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
It is actually not allowed to advertise maps in another members map replys i think, i remember someone telling another guy to not link hi's own resources in another members resource replys without having permision to do so.
I may be wrong but i think it is so.
But should still try not to advertise your map in another members resource becouse it may draw the attention to your map insted of this one, and its not everyone that likes that.

Dont get angry or something, but im just telling you how it is.
I wouldent be happy if someone linked their own resources in my resource comments :(

Its VERY, VERY wrong to adverise like this! you should delete your post immediatelly or else I will call moderators!
Level 3
Jun 29, 2008
This unfortunately plays nothing like Orcs and Humans. For example you don't need roads to build anything (you can't even build roads, gg), everything can be built from the start, everything builds really fast and you start with loads more resources.

The idea is nice but the implementation is awful. 2/5
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
This unfortunately plays nothing like Orcs and Humans. For example you don't need roads to build anything (you can't even build roads, gg), everything can be built from the start, everything builds really fast and you start with loads more resources.

The idea is nice but the implementation is awful. 2/5

Huh :O
You tell me that you need a road to build something in Warcraft 1? I dont remember anything about that :O
And arent you suppost to be able to build everything from start? I dont remember..

And whats wrong with the resources? You start with 5000 gold and 5000 lumber? so what? 1 gold in a normal wc3 maps equals to 10 gold in this map, thats why. You get 100 gold for mining insted of 10 etc.
Level 3
Jun 29, 2008
Huh :O
You tell me that you need a road to build something in Warcraft 1? I dont remember anything about that :O
And arent you suppost to be able to build everything from start? I dont remember..

And whats wrong with the resources? You start with 5000 gold and 5000 lumber? so what? 1 gold in a normal wc3 maps equals to 10 gold in this map, thats why. You get 100 gold for mining insted of 10 etc.
Why not make it so you start with the same gold as in WC1 (400 lumber, 1000 gold), and have everything cost the same?

Yes, every building in WC1 requires roads next to it in order to be built. Roads were built from the Town Hall.
Level 1
Oct 18, 2009
Just started playing, few things:
- at the top right location I was getting harassed by 3 "Brigand" creeps, without provoking them in any way (right off the start).
- whenever I tried to make a lumber mill (as orc), the peon would go to the area, and do nothing but spawn an unclickable foundation. I tried making another one to see if it was a 1-time thing, but it did the same thing.

will edit my post if I notice anything else.

edit #1: noticed after about a minute my peon pops out of the unclickable foundation and the "Lumber Mill completed" message appears.
edit #2: icon for the orc warlock is simply a green square, and the gold mine in the top left corner only has 12 500 gold.
Level 4
Aug 5, 2009
but yea its great good Terrain and everything else but there is a problem the orcs doesnt never attack me?why that but 4.8/5 it realy looks like humans & orcs i am not sure i played warcraft 2 but there were elven archers and orcs had ogres but i am not sure.