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War Bowl (Name still pending)

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Level 6
May 3, 2006
Hello my good people, today I present you with something hot and fresh that will probably cause you to vomit uncontrollably. I haven't even started this map yet, but I'm planning too and would love some help with it :)

War Bowl (The name is not permanent)

A bloody football-like sport in the spirit of Blood Bowl.


- Two teams of 6 face off in a football like field.

- Captains of both teams (chosen at start) choose a race from Human, Orc, Night Elf, and Undead.

- Each race will consist of many "heroes" (No leveling up or skill improvement but items will be purchaseable).

- Heroes vary from Agile, Tough, Tanks, and all around good. Classes will make more sense once you see them in-game.

- The game will be played like football, starts out with a kickoff, a Hero from the receiving team catches the ball and they attempt to score a touchdown. If the Hero dies with the Ball or a pass fails (the ball hits the ground) the play will end and both teams will get lined up again to hike, one team offense, one team defense. Basic Football rules.

- When a Hero is killed, they are knocked down for a duration or until that play is over. You cannot permanently take a Hero out of a match or play.

The game is still being thought out and all of this could change (not likely) so if you wish to help with the production of this game or have a suggestion please feel free to post.

I will be using icons / models / skins from the lovely artists of Hiveworkshop (with credit ofcourse)

- Deathclaw24 (I am "c0rnbread" on bnet East)
Level 6
May 3, 2006
Yeah, so far ive created a hero for each class (im starting off with the Orcs for now)

The classes are:

Brute -
Pros: Strong, Tank, Good at fumbling.
Cons: Slow, Bad Passer

Blitzer -
Pros: All around player, decent at everything, has a better pass than the other 2 classes
Cons: None other than lacking a particular field he is extra skilled at

Dasher -
Pros: Fast, Great for catching passes and running the ball
Cons: Weak, Even the smallest hit will take him down, bad passer

Now the Blitzer may sound too cheap but the other 2 classes really stand out in the field that they cover, Brutes are the best option for tanking and can easily get a score with teamates defending. Dashers can stay out of combat and with the help of teamates they can get the ball and easily run a touchdown.

I'm going to change the gameplay then what I initially had thought out, making this game a little bit less like Football. Since I want it so when u kill (which is KO in my game cuz u cant permanently remove someone from the game) the killed unit will drop the ball (like a fumble) and the game will continue, anyone can pickup the ball from any team and continue playing, thus removing the idea of tackling someone to end a play. Instead of using a hiking system, and downs, there will be a timer that starts when the ball first becomes in control, and when that timer hits 0 the team that didn't start out with the ball will then have an attempt at a goal.

For example: South team starts off with the ball, the timer is set to 1 minute and once that hits 0 nomatter who has the ball or what has happened (unless a team scored) the ball will then be kicked off to North team and the timer will reset.

It's basically rounds, each team gets a chance to make a goal, and they can either be held back to the point where its a turnover, they lose the ball and get scored on, or nobody scores, the game will keep giving each side a 1 minute attempt.

A big gameplay factor though will be that the ball carrier will have reduced movement speed, so a nonstop battle will be going on in a tug of war fight to get the ball to the opposing teams touchdown.

So yeah... it'll all make sense once you play :)
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