I've already answered this:Yes, but it's wait for condition... Not wait a given period of time.
Treat "Wat for condition" the same way.
if SomeFunction(some arguments) then
exitwhen true
call TriggerSleepAction(0.3) //or some other value, I dont know
who said you wait are messed up? they works perfectly normal
not exactly lol. they are inaccurate. thats what the person probably meant by messed up
lol, nothing is perfect, right..
But I don't see why waits would be messed up...
I know about that, could you make 100% accurate waits?
Hmm, let's forget about the real accuracy when it comes to timers. It's negligible. However, the wait inaccuracy is not (for waits shorter than a second).
Wait doesn't take lags into account. If a drop player dialog appears, waits still count down, that's why lags might heavily mess up spells with waits inside.
Polled Wait is better in this regard, as it uses a timer internally to increase the wait length for an amount of game time. But Polled Wait suffers the same inaccuracy as ordinary waits and leaks a handle ID (note: not a handle, just an ID).