w3.player - Introduction

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Level 9
Jun 5, 2011
Hy! I am a extremely big fan of Warcraft III. Both as in the normal game with campaign which i played like 2-3 times :) or as in the online part of the game which is quite fun being able to play all those types of maps from RPG and Tags to melees and all others.

I am also a map maker for almost 4 years but i only done projects of my own... only to try things out and learn by myself. I know pretty much that is to be known except... let's say 50% from the trigger category in which i still have to learn.

I unfortunately do not afford to play on battle.net so i play online on Garena (if you know the program). I am also from Romania so i play on the Romania RPG rooms.

Anyway, i just can't express my excitement because i am now becoming a member on the hive. I really want to become a great person in this comunity, i hope that i will get help but also help others and enjoy my time here :D.
Also i am eager to find out if someone is romanian around here and if so... i would like some PM's :).

I think that's all... so... hello thehiveworkshop's members!
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