Much better, but the topology is REALLY wrong....
The proportions are horrible, I really suggest you look at the concept again and reconsider its whole shape.....
His cape has ...really bad topology, to a point where animating wont work, add more edges in it so it can be animated/rigged.
as for the arms... he if he has elbows, then he has no the hell can he be rigged and animated and get what i mean..
Look at this topogloy:
You see here? The wire/edges flow calmly, they are structured and placed where they make sense. This is what defines a good clean and even professional quality model, and a good model like this is EASILY rigged and animated.
you see here? there are more edges and shit around the joints? you know why? So when this thing is animated, it will bend correctly without mangled the arm to a point of pure deformed crap.
This one here isnt for animation purposes, but its still clean and smooth, proffesional quality, great quality......clean smooth topology like this sets apart try-outs/wannabe quality to PROFFESIONAL quality:
and im not bashing your work here, im just being solid. If mighty TDR was here, he will CERTAINLY be solid, so solid it will give you bruises, but whatever he says will be for you and for good reason, wise words of teachings, if you ever come across TDR, dont go "god, that guy is such a stuck up jerk and attacking my work", go "thankyou TDR for giving me solid critic that I need to improve, i will consider and learn from what you have just told me".
In other words, im not attacking you, im helping you and so are many others that come off as blunt. I learn this way, i learnt alot from TDR...