- Joined
- Dec 5, 2011
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- 368
library GlaiveOfDestruction uses RegisterPlayerUnitEvent, SpellEffectEvent, Tt, UnitIndexer, WorldBounds
private constant integer DUM_CODE = 'h000' //raw code of the dummy
private constant integer ABIL_CODE = 'A000' //raw code of the Spell
private constant real DUM_SCALE = 200. //Size of the Glaive
private constant real SPEED = 400. //Speed of the Glaive
private constant real HEIGHT = 100. //height of the Glaive
private constant real COL_SIZE = 200. // collision size of the Glaive
private constant real STUN_DUR = 3. // stun duration
private constant attacktype ATK = ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL // attack type
private constant damagetype DMG = DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC // damage type
private constant boolean PRELOAD = true // preloads the resources if "true"
private constant player NEUTRAL_PASSIVE = Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE)
private group G = bj_lastCreatedGroup
private constant function GetDistance takes integer level returns real
return 1300.
//Glaives AoE
private constant function GetAoE takes integer level returns real
return 250.
private constant function GetDamage takes integer level returns real
return 75. * level
//Prevents the Glaive from damaging dead units/mechanical units/structures/destructibles/allies/etc.
private constant function GetFilter takes unit caster, unit target returns boolean
return /*
*/ not IsUnitType(target, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) and /* // target is alive
*/ IsUnitEnemy(target, GetOwningPlayer(caster)) and /* // target is an enemy of caster
*/ not IsUnitType(target, UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) and /* // target is not a structure
*/ not IsUnitType(target, UNIT_TYPE_MECHANICAL) // target is not mechanic
private struct Main extends array
private group g
private unit u
private player owner
private unit dummy
private real aoe
private real damage
private real distance
private real sin
private real cos
private static integer array store
private static constant real TIMEOUT = 0.031250000
private static constant real MAX_SPEED = SPEED * TIMEOUT
implement CTTC
local unit u
local real x
local real y
implement CTTCExpire
set x = GetUnitX(this.dummy) + this.cos
set y = GetUnitY(this.dummy) + this.sin
//won't go out of bounds
if x > WorldBounds.minX and y > WorldBounds.minY and x < WorldBounds.maxX and y < WorldBounds.maxY then
call SetUnitX(this.dummy, x)
call SetUnitY(this.dummy, y)
set this.distance = this.distance - MAX_SPEED
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(G, x, y, this.aoe + COL_SIZE, null)
set u = FirstOfGroup(G)
exitwhen u == null
call GroupRemoveUnit(G, u)
if not IsUnitInGroup(u, this.g) and GetFilter(this.u, u) and IsUnitInRangeXY(u, x, y, this.aoe) then
call GroupAddUnit(this.g, u)
call UnitDamageTarget(this.u, u, this.damage, true, false, ATK, DMG, null)
if this.distance <= 0 then
if thistype.store[GetUnitId(this.u)] == this then
set thistype.store[GetUnitId(this.u)] = 0
call GroupClear(this.g)
call DestroyGroup(this.g)
call KillUnit(this.dummy)
set this.g = null
call this.destroy()
implement CTTCEnd
private static method onCast takes nothing returns boolean
local thistype this = thistype.create()
local integer level
local real a
set this.g = CreateGroup()
set this.u = GetTriggerUnit()
set a = Atan2(GetSpellTargetY() - GetUnitY(this.u), GetSpellTargetX() - GetUnitX(this.u))
set this.dummy = CreateUnit(this.owner, DUM_CODE, GetUnitX(this.u), GetUnitY(this.u), a * bj_RADTODEG)
set level = GetUnitAbilityLevel(this.u, ABIL_CODE)
set this.aoe = GetAoE
set this.damage = GetDamage(level)
set this.distance = GetDistance(level)
set this.sin = MAX_SPEED * Sin(a)
set this.cos = MAX_SPEED * Cos(a)
set thistype.store[GetUnitId(this.u)] = this
call SetUnitScale(this.dummy, DUM_SCALE, 0, 0)
call SetUnitFlyHeight(this.dummy, HEIGHT, 0)
return false
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
call RegisterSpellEffectEvent(ABIL_CODE, function thistype.onCast)