Vista sucks Terrain

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Welcome to Vista sucks Terrain service.
I will be taking a number of requests to terrain their map for there project. I will put my best work into your map.

I am strong in Dungeons, Deserts, Horror and Castle themes for terrain. All of them can be playable or non playable grounds. If I am going terrain the entire map, don't expect me to be fast, give me about 2 to 3 hours tops.

Rules to follow:
1. Do not ask when it will be complete.
2. Must agree to give Reputation back after your request has been complete to your liking.
3. Any comments not related to this thread will be ignored. And I most likely wont
do your requests.

If you do not use the following forum I will not accept your request for terrain.

Request Forum

Theme: The style of terrain you want
Custom doodads/Models: Yes or No
Download link: If you are not going to let others have access to
your map, just say you are going to PM me.
If you don't want people to have access to your map, just PM me the Down-loadable content for your map. And if you want to contact me on MSN I will have the link for it below, so we can talk more about your map.

[email protected]

I will upload my current terrain work later. When Ive got time.
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Level 9
Jan 12, 2010
No offense friend, but this thread comes off as exceptional ignorant and rude. For one no self respecting terrainer demands rep in turn for their work, they just hope they do it well enough to earn some rep in gratitude.

Requiring a certain level of rep per map size is even more ignorant than that, I mean are you seriously that rude, that you couldn't make medium map for someone with less then 50 rep?

With an attitude like you have, expect this thread to stay empty of requests, even if you’re the Picasso of terraining, no one will ask you to make anything.



Btw... I couldn't help but notice you don't have a green gem, does that mean you'll only make small maps for yourself? lol :xxd:
Hmm depends what you think small is. Small can be quite large compared to what you think. And everyone starts with not a large amount of reputation.

Asking for reputation after Ive spent time on making something you desired is not rude. I do see a lot of people on this forum taking things serious with reputation.

But how about this for now I will remove that limit until I've got a bit more... To make you happy.

Btw... I couldn't help but notice you don't have a green gem, does that mean you'll only make small maps for yourself? lol
Don't be so silly, I have not even uploaded my work yet.
Level 9
Jan 12, 2010
Ehm, doesn't that count as 'asking for reps'?
Reps are free for given and cannot be forced.
That's offtopic btw.

Thanks for backing me up Peper, I owe you. lol

And Vista, honestly, rep means very little to nothing at all, ask any of the big rep guys here on the Hive like General Frank, Pyritie, Ralle or Rui and they well tell you same thing;

Rep are just shiny gems that mean jack squat in the greater scheme of things.

Heck, some the people with highest rep actually have theirs turned off, so tell me what kind of maps do you make for people with a single black "none rep" gem?

All rep really means is how long you've been here and what kind of things your known for / good at, nothing more.



Btw - The removing "Map Size Limit per Rep Quota", or whatever the heck it was is a good start, but just drop the "You must be this imba for me to terrain for you..." thing too, okay?
Level 9
Dec 15, 2009
Theme:This Minimap Desert,Lake.Sparse Amount of Vegetation.
Custom doodads/Models:No
Download link: Can you do it on a blank map on your WE and send it to me cus i havent started work on this thing yet.
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