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[Solved] View a Unit that is out of your Sight range

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Level 3
Dec 25, 2016
I have a Unit that has no sight Radius, that can be placed out of the player sight range. This way, you cant see the unit, but it is there.

I want to be able to see the unit and select it either it is in the range of vision or not, and I want to keep its sight radius to 0.

Is this possible?

Level 5
May 12, 2014
I'm not sure if vision of ONLY that unit is 100% possible. There might always be a small area around that can be seen.

You can try using faerie fire on it with like 1000000000 duration. Or use that one action. I think it's like
"visibility - grant vision of unit to player".
Level 3
Dec 25, 2016
I will explain why I would use this:
I am developing a map in which each player controls a town (only buildings). In this map there will be heroes around, but will be controlled by AI. Each player will have the ability to place "Missions" on the map and assign bountys to them, and the AI Heroes will consider the best bounty and go for it. This way, you can control indirectly the Heroes of the map, and that player who manages to lure the most Heroes to fight for his town will probably win.

That being said, the way I found for the players to see the "Missions" they place was to create custom units with flag models on the target points of the missions. It is of great importance that the player can place "Missions" out of his sight view, and if he does so, you cant select them and modify their bounty or cancel them (abilities of the Unit "Mission").

If I give this units sight range, a Player could use them just to reveal parts of the map (placing them wherever he wants to see). I can think of some workarounds, but all of them imply a degradation in the gameplay experience :(

I just want to be able to place "flags" on the map, and them to be visible always. I thought of them as "units", and I see this is not possible as I want it with units. If someone has a better approachment, it would be great!

Placing a Mission Flag:

Flag placed provides sight:
Level 43
Feb 27, 2007
I presume units without sight range can be manually added to players' selections and then their command card can be used? If that's the case a workaround could be to give your town hall a "select mission" ability that can be cast on a ground point and automatically selects the closest player-owned mission to that location (with a trigger, of course). Alternatively, give the town hall a "select all missions" ability that clears player selection and adds all missions to their selection. The player can then determine which mission is which by clicking in the selection window to focus on different missions and clicking their portrait to move their camera to that mission's location.
Level 3
Dec 25, 2016
I will try that and tell you. I classiffied Mission units as workers so you could select them with the "idle worker" button but it doesnt work if they are not visible.

EDIT: Tried it, and I got this result

Currently it just selects all of them as a group, and I cant select them individually so it is not perfect (for now I initialized it with a chat message to test it), but this is clearly useful!! I can make this work!

Thanks! I will tag as resolved when I solve this issue!

Solved: I made an ability called "select mission manually" and gave it to the town hall as you said. Works perfectly. It is not the most pleasurable game mechanic but it works :)
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Level 21
May 29, 2013
There is only one thing left to do, which is the flag being visible. Right now, I can select it, but you cant see the model. If someone can think of a solution for this, would be great :)
If you set the "Art - Use Extended Line of Sight" field in Object Editor to True, the unit will be visible at all times even when it's under the fog of war.
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