Very Specific Requests - New Diablo II Map

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Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
I'm starting a project in my spare time, a replica of Diablo II. I'm re-skinning a few tiles so that I can have multiple acts, or I may just go with 1-act per game. Every Diablo II character will be complete with all of his original Diablo II: LoD spells, but in order to make it "realistic" I need some very experienced modellers to help me out with re-creating the Diablo II world.
• Baal - Lord of Destruction
• Diablo - Lord of Terror
• Mephisto - Lord of Pain
• Duriel
• Andariel
These are a few examples of the bosses I need, also it would be spectacular if you could make the Diablo II animations as well. I know that there are only minimal anmations for each character, for instance the Necromancer only has an 'attack-with-weapon', 'attack-with-bow', and 'spell-cast' offensive animations. For a Death animation nothing spectacular has to be done, just do whatever Diablo II does. If anybody helps me on this (or a team of people) you will have the exact same credit as myself upon completion of this map. Meaning it will be as much as my map as it is yours and I will send you un-protected copies whenever you please.

:: edit ::

If you attempt at any of these models before contacting me, please include them without weapons so that they may be inter-changable.
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
there is already a Diablo and Mephisto model, god least take the effort to search....

and i seriously think requesting atm be slim chance of having it being fulfilled. since uploading is down and there arnt many active modelers(MODELERSSSS!). :evil:

also, i just hope you've started the map and not wanted models first...cuz thats...very poor..
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
i dont care how many modelers are online, or if upload is down or up right now. Also, assume that i've already seen the crappy Mephisto Baal and Diablo models that are already up there. I didn't actually ask you to tell me what your thoughts on my request were, infact, i simply dont give a shit. If your not a modeler then piss off.
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