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- Jan 29, 2007
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I'm very new to this forum (Though have looked around at the various systems/scripts and models and stuff for a long time).
So I thought I'd search for some help here with my second vJASS spell (I've submitted my first on at thehelper.net).
So here it is:
And currently it's using 4, yes I said it, 4 different systems, which I really want to decrease to 2, maybe 3
The systems used are:
Knockback System (KBS)
And my very own (But very small) snippet:
So, here are the problems with it:
To start with, it currently knockbackes all units which comes in range, but I'd like it to only knockback units which are infront of it, like +- 30-40 degrees of the caster facing.
Secondly, somehow the point where the fire-effects are created behind the caster seems to not get removed, because the effects that appear on the units that walk on the fires, seems to still recieve it when the fire is gone
And lastly, after some uses of this spell, it appears to start to build up handle leaks, any ideas ?
Thanks for the help !
I've also attached the map to the thread, so you can see for yourself if there are stuff that's still unclear for you
I'm very new to this forum (Though have looked around at the various systems/scripts and models and stuff for a long time).
So I thought I'd search for some help here with my second vJASS spell (I've submitted my first on at thehelper.net).
So here it is:
scope SearingDash initializer init
private constant integer ABIL_ID = 'A000' // The rawcode of the ability!
private constant integer CARGO_ID = 'Abun' // The rawcode of the "Cargo Hold" ability!
private constant string EFFECT_1 = "Environment\\LargeBuildingFire\\LargeBuildingFire2.mdl"
private constant string ATTACH_POINT = "origin"
private constant real PERIOD = .1 //Time between effects being created.
private constant real DAMAGE_PERIOD = 0.03125 // How often the effects deal damage.
private constant real EFFECT_DURATION = 1.5 // How long each effect lasts.
private constant string DMG_EFFECT = "Abilities\\Spells\\Items\\AIfb\\AIfbSpecialArt.mdl"
private constant string ATTACH_POINT2 = "chest"
private constant real DURATION = 5. //How long the spell lasts
private constant attacktype ATTACK_TYPE = ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL // Explains itself i think XD
private constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE = DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL // Same here :P
private constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE = WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS// And same here :D
private constant real DMG_FACTOR = 1. // An easy way of changing the damage!
private constant real RNG_FACTOR = 1. // An easy way of changing the damage range!
private constant real TRANSPARENCY = 45. // In %, how transparent the caster becomes!
private constant real SCALE = 1.65 // How much bigger the caster becomes when casting this spell. (Has to end with 0 or 5!)
private constant boolean KNOCKBACK = true // Wether it should knockback units or not!
private constant real DISTANCE = 200 // How far the get "knockbacked".
private constant real SPEED = 1 // How long the knockback takes.
private constant boolean EXTRA_MOVEMENT = false // If the caster should have movement-speed above 522.
private constant real EXTRA_MOVE_SPEED = 7.5 // How far the caster is moves each PERIOD... Increased movement-speed above 522 !
private constant real MOVE_SPEED = 522. // How fast the caster should move if EXTRA_MOVEMENT = false !
private constant real MOVE_PERIOD = 0.03125
private group g = CreateGroup()
private group gr = CreateGroup()
private integer TempStruct
private filterfunc Filterz
private real tick = 0
private struct Data
real speed
real time = 1
unit caster
player owner
integer lvl
//Moving checksum
real origX
real origY
real x
real y
real angle
real scale = 1.
boolean on
static method create takes unit u returns Data
local Data d = Data.allocate()
set d.caster = u
set d.owner = GetOwningPlayer(d.caster)
set d.speed = GetUnitMoveSpeed(u)
set d.lvl = GetUnitAbilityLevel(d.caster, ABIL_ID)
return d
method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
if EXTRA_MOVEMENT == false then
call SetUnitMoveSpeed(.caster, .speed)
call SetUnitPathing(.caster,true)
call SetUnitVertexColor(.caster,255,255,255,255)
call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(.owner, ABIL_ID, true)
call UnitRemoveAbility(.caster, CARGO_ID)
set .on = false
private struct Dam
unit caster
player owner
real x
real y
integer lv
real tick
private function Damage takes nothing returns real
return I2R(Dam(TempStruct).lv) * DMG_FACTOR * 1.171875
private function Range takes nothing returns real
return RNG_FACTOR * 100.
private function Range_Big takes nothing returns real
return RNG_FACTOR *150.
private function Filters takes nothing returns boolean
return GetWidgetLife(GetFilterUnit()) > 0.405 and IsUnitEnemy(GetFilterUnit(), Dam(TempStruct).owner) and IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_MAGIC_IMMUNE) == false
private function Filters_Enum takes nothing returns boolean
return GetWidgetLife(GetEnumUnit()) > 0.405 and IsUnitEnemy(GetEnumUnit(), Dam(TempStruct).owner)
private function Spell_Check takes nothing returns boolean
return GetSpellAbilityId() == ABIL_ID
private function Deal_Damage takes nothing returns nothing
call UnitDamageTarget(Dam(TempStruct).caster, GetEnumUnit(), Damage(), true, false, ATTACK_TYPE, DAMAGE_TYPE, WEAPON_TYPE)
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(DMG_EFFECT, GetEnumUnit(), ATTACH_POINT2))
call BJDebugMsg("Damage!")
private function Damage_Period takes nothing returns boolean
local Dam dd = KT_GetData()
local boolean b
if dd.tick > 0 then
set TempStruct = dd
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(g, dd.x, dd.y, Range(),Filterz)
if FirstOfGroup(g) != null then
call ForGroup(g,function Deal_Damage)
set dd.tick = dd.tick - DAMAGE_PERIOD
set b = false
set b = true
call dd.destroy()
return b
private function Descaling takes nothing returns boolean
local Data d = KT_GetData()
local boolean b
if d.scale > 1. then
set d.scale = d.scale - 0.05
call SetUnitScale(d.caster, d.scale, d.scale, d.scale)
set b = false
set b = true
return b
private function Scaling takes nothing returns boolean
local Data d = KT_GetData()
local boolean b
if d.scale < SCALE then
set d.scale = d.scale + 0.05
call SetUnitScale(d.caster, d.scale, d.scale, d.scale)
set b = false
set b = true
return b
private function Movement takes nothing returns boolean
local Data d = KT_GetData()
local Dam dd = TempStruct
local boolean b
if d.on == true then
set dd.caster = d.caster
set dd.x = GetUnitX(d.caster)
set dd.y = GetUnitY(d.caster)
set d.angle = GetUnitFacing(d.caster)
set d.x = d.origX - dd.x
set d.y = d.origY - dd.y
if (d.x * d.x + d.y * d.y) > 20. and EXTRA_MOVEMENT == true then
set d.x = dd.x + EXTRA_MOVE_SPEED * Cos(d.angle * 0.0175)
set d.y = dd.y + EXTRA_MOVE_SPEED * Sin(d.angle * 0.0175)
call SetUnitX(d.caster,d.x)
call SetUnitY(d.caster,d.y)
set d.origX = d.x
set d.origY = d.y
set b = false
set b = true
return b
private function Knockback takes nothing returns nothing
local unit u = GetEnumUnit()
local real angle = 57.2958 * Atan2(GetUnitY(u) - GetUnitY(Data(TempStruct).caster), GetUnitX(u) - GetUnitX(Data(TempStruct).caster))
if KBS_IsUnitSliding(u) == false and Filters_Enum() and (angle >= GetUnitFacing(Data(TempStruct).caster) + 25. or angle <= GetUnitFacing(Data(TempStruct).caster) - 25.) then
call KBS_BeginCommon(u,DISTANCE,SPEED,angle)
elseif angle >= GetUnitFacing(Data(TempStruct).caster) + 25. then
set angle = angle + 25.
call KBS_BeginCommon(u,DISTANCE,SPEED,angle)
elseif angle <= GetUnitFacing(Data(TempStruct).caster) - 25. then
set angle = angle - 25.
call KBS_BeginCommon(u,DISTANCE,SPEED,angle)
private function Periodic takes nothing returns boolean
local Data d = KT_GetData()
local Dam dd
local boolean b
if d.time <= DURATION - PERIOD then
set d.time = d.time + PERIOD
set dd = Dam.create()
set dd.caster = d.caster
set dd.owner = d.owner
set dd.x = GetUnitX(d.caster)
set dd.y = GetUnitY(d.caster)
call KT_Add(function Damage_Period, dd, DAMAGE_PERIOD)
call TE_TimedEffect(AddSpecialEffect(EFFECT_1,dd.x,dd.y), EFFECT_DURATION)
set d.angle = GetUnitFacing(d.caster)
set TempStruct = d
if KNOCKBACK == true then
set TempStruct = d
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(gr, GetUnitX(d.caster), GetUnitY(d.caster), Range_Big(), Filterz)
call ForGroup(gr, function Knockback)
call GroupClear(gr)
set b = false
call d.destroy()
if SCALE != 1. then
call KT_Add(function Descaling, d, MOVE_PERIOD)
set b = true
return b
private function Spell takes nothing returns nothing
local Data D = Data.create(GetTriggerUnit())
set D.on = true
call SetUnitPathing(D.caster,false)
call SetUnitVertexColor(D.caster,255,255,255,R2I(TRANSPARENCY * 2.55))
call UnitAddAbility(D.caster, CARGO_ID)
call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(D.owner, ABIL_ID, false)
if EXTRA_MOVEMENT == false then
call SetUnitMoveSpeed(D.caster, MOVE_SPEED)
call KT_Add(function Movement,D, MOVE_PERIOD)
call KT_Add(function Periodic, D, PERIOD)
if SCALE != 1. then
call KT_Add(function Scaling, D, MOVE_PERIOD)
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(t,EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
call TriggerAddCondition(t,Condition (function Spell_Check))
call TriggerAddAction(t, function Spell)
set Filterz = Filter(function Filters)
And currently it's using 4, yes I said it, 4 different systems, which I really want to decrease to 2, maybe 3
The systems used are:
Knockback System (KBS)
And my very own (But very small) snippet:
library TE requires KT
private struct SFX
effect sfx
method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
call DestroyEffect(.sfx)
private function Destroy takes nothing returns boolean
call SFX(KT_GetData()).destroy()
return true
public function TimedEffect takes effect e, real duration returns nothing
local SFX d = SFX.create()
set d.sfx = e
call KT_Add(function Destroy,d,duration)
So, here are the problems with it:
To start with, it currently knockbackes all units which comes in range, but I'd like it to only knockback units which are infront of it, like +- 30-40 degrees of the caster facing.
Secondly, somehow the point where the fire-effects are created behind the caster seems to not get removed, because the effects that appear on the units that walk on the fires, seems to still recieve it when the fire is gone
And lastly, after some uses of this spell, it appears to start to build up handle leaks, any ideas ?
Thanks for the help !
I've also attached the map to the thread, so you can see for yourself if there are stuff that's still unclear for you
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