23:50, 26th Jan 2009
THE_END: Not enough changes and times WAY up, deleted
THE_END: Not enough changes and times WAY up, deleted
(1 ratings)
A filter is a term for an pre-made image aplied to another immage Via transparency and other stuff (consult photoshop for more)what is a filter anyway? And doent a model make a texture and skin just goes over it?
>:I yes, it is.unacceptable
Originally Posted by Misha View Post
>:I yes, it is.
i see if like this he atleast tryed to make a useful skin and it is useful how many ppl have looked for a model or skin for a map or something and couldnt find anythign like it it mit be a little change but think about it it is a change and its rather useful for a ice paladin or frozen knight type unit. i say its going to be useful rather or not its a big change the rules on approveing models or skins need to be looked at .in my opinion sence good models or skins can be turned down cause of a little thing like not enough changes. but i say if its a diffrent base color and the parts look diffrent and theres no really bad issues its a decent model and skins. hack ive seen models worse appoved
why is it waiting for approval or not for such a long time??? :O