Uploading files with the right path, and hero limits.

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Level 2
Jan 22, 2011
Well, i have a fews question.

I started using a lot of custom models and icons. I can upload all the files to a map easily, but they all gonna be like that:


Then, i will have to manually change the path of every single file.





And etc.

It's possible to upload all files with the right path to a map? How?

Problem number 2:

There is a limit of 52 units in "Gameplay Constants..." - Hero.

I need space for more custom heroes. Is there a trigger to a unit be added to the 3 heroes limit? For example: If you remove Blademaster from the heroes list in Gameplay Constants..., when you play with Orcs, you can summon Blademaster, then, the second hero would usually require a Stronghold. Understand? How to fix that?

Thanks for the help.
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
problem 1 : Whats not so hard about uploading the map and removing the War3imported\
Its just a bit of work (Edit i stand corrected by Dr Super There is an easier way look below)
Although you can just find a map with most of the models already on it and base your map using that .... Like if your using Doodads, Just start with a base map on the Ultimate terraining map, Then remove all the doodads you dont use and the imported models so you keep a low space amount

Problem 2: Well these are diffrent problems. 1 If you want to place more units on map than editor allows get UMSWE as this can do it for you. 2. To Make it so u can make unlim heros just remove the Limit hero trigger In the Init triggers which are standard init for new maps and should be removed if making a custom map .
3. Just remove the tech tree Requirements from the heros for Stronghold Etc. You can do this by going onto the unit in object editor and finding tech tree reqs near the
bottom. Just empty it

Hope this helps

Edit: :O lol 2 comments almost simaltaniously

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
You can ty importing them via an MPQ editor which may preserve the file structure better than the WE's import manager.

I am not sure about number 2. You may be able to achieve this via a trigger system or by breaking the editor's limits (physically editing the gameplay constants file in your map so that the field has more than 52 entries) but this may not always work (some limits are hard coded).
Level 2
Jan 22, 2011
I'm still having problem.

Thanks for all the help.

I tried to upload the files using an MPQ editor, but there was a lot of problems.

The MPQ didn't upload all files, or the files could not be detected with World Editor, or a lot of files got corrupted in the process.

Tell me, what is the best MPQ program to upload a lot of files to a Warcraft III map?

About the other problem:

52 is the limit of heroes in Gameplay Constants.

Can i remove this limit?

If not, is there a trigger that will have the same effect as the unit was added in the "heroes list" in Gameplay Constants?

Thanks again.
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