19:26, 9th May 2008
I find this map to have many bugs and issues and i find it also to be incomplete
Blank maps with no name or titled "Just another Warcraft III map." Maps with no credited author and/or description. Non-working maps. Maps with offensive map previews or profanity in the name or description. Duplicate maps. Maps that serve no real gaming function (i.e. special effects/trigger test maps). No demo maps. Beta maps are acceptable, but they must be late beta stage (essentially complete) maps.
Incomplete Maps. All maps must be complete upon submission. Saying "this map is not done" and throwing out it to the rest of the community is not very professional. Beta/test maps are one thing, but to submit a map that is blatantly unfinished is only a source of aggravation for players as well as a waste of time and space. Please finish your maps!
Unusual maps. Any map may be ignored by resource moderators at their discretion for any valid reason at any time.
Resource moderators must always clearly indicate exactly why any map resource has been ignored
I find this map to have many bugs and issues and i find it also to be incomplete