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Unsure on how to do p this spell/looking for feedback on it

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Level 10
Apr 9, 2004
Ok, so i'm working on this ultimate spell that i've been thinking about where my ice hero every 20-30 seconds can cast an ability and summon 1 floating orb that will circle around him. Now he can summon up to 4 orbs of ice. When he learns this ability, he gains other abilities. While the orbs circle him, if any enemy casts on him, 1 orb will fly out and freeze that unit for 7 seconds and deal (intel of hero X [level of ability +2]) damage to the unit. This will be big for those autocast abilities like dark arrow type abilities. In theory they could actually send out 4 spells before they were to be hit, which would deal pretty much enough damage to kill them, never mind the stun. This will help him ward off attacks. The orbs also have a slight freezing effect that takes it's toll on any unit's close enough to be frostburned by them. Another ability is he calls one back and eats it, freezing himself for 5 seconds and healing 250 hp in the process. Now this ability has a relatively small cooldown but isn't very effective in battle. A final ability he gains is he sucks up all the orbs (only works if he has all 4) and he breathes them out a far distance. Any unit touched by an orb will be stunned for 15/30 for units and take (Pandaren's intel X Level of ability (it should be long stun because it deals small damage to them because it's his ultimate and since all of his abilities are focused on low damage but high stun, his ultiamte should have really high stun, considering all the conditions required to be met) seconds. This costs a large portion of his mana and it's not the most accurate thing and it deals no damage so it evens out. Also, in case you're wondering, his intel at level 16 (max lvl) is 46, but boosting it does increase the power of his abilities. I did this so he's really hard to use in the begining since most of his abilities are weak because of his low intel, although the stun is still quite high. This just makes him more effective as time progresses, and he should become more powerful the longer the battle rages, as that is a secret to this hero.

Ok so that stuff i can do, but the problem is i don't know how to keep track of all 4 orbs as well as check their position while circling him. The way i figure is i have 4 invis unit circling him and when he summons on it will go out and move to the position of one of the [empty] units. When he casts the unit who would have been [full] would become empty again and the next time he uses the summmon orb ability, for the orb to occupy that spot.

I'm just not sure about lag/ and such so i was wondering if i need to use arrays or anything like that to lower the amount of triggers required for this spell.

Please help if you can.

Aside from asking for help, i'm also simply asking for feedback for the spell.

PS: if you want more information about other skills, then i;d be happy to show you.

[updated] (1) times
Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
I have to look over all the conditions before I can answer. I'm off to school now but surely this ability is possible. What is the first thing that caught my attention was the system making the orbs and I will help you with it right now. Well, Vexorian made some kind of system which will help you with the tracking stuff. I personally didn't try it but I'm sure it is a good solution. http://www.wc3sear.ch/index.php?p=Spells&ID=158&sid=260b1f1804976bea90ca43ddbadb41ca For the other stuff, I still have to look over them. I'll tell you later when I come home.

Level 10
Apr 9, 2004
Well, i checked that a while ago and it wasn't in triggers so i couldn't really use it and if i can't understand it, i won't use it. I kinda figured that i would simply make the 4 custom orbs and when one dies, set that unit value as no unit. Or even better, i could number the orbs based off their position comparatively to the invis unit they're using as a rotation point. Perhaps only have 4 unit variables (orb [1-4]) and i'd make ((full,(empty)[1-4]) for the spots of the dummy point units used for rotation and always make it fill up from 1-4. That way if 1 is missing it'll fill up 1, if 1 is there and 2 is missing it'll fill in 2 and so forth, and if all are full, then it will be deactiavted. There's no problem because it only fills up 1 at a time. I think that will work fine.

The rest i assume i can do but this might take some time. Other than that, do you think it would be overpowered (it might seem that way at first, but in the mpa this hero is on, the damage is about 30% more than what was in TOB [im using it as a referance since the skills were maybe 50% higher than normal])
Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
This checking is a programming stuff in my opinion and very easy for me to explain. What you need is to go with an array unit variable, with 5 positions (because arrays positions start from 0 but I prefer to do the units from 1 so put the size of the array as 5). NOW, at the very beginning of the spell you have the following trigger. Just watch out for the IFS, THEN and ELSES. I'll try to align them.

Event - An unit starts the effect of an ability
Conditions - Ability being cast equal to YourAbility
Actions - If (a[1]=none) then Set a[1] = LastCreatedUnit
else if (a[2]=none) then set a[2]=LastCreatedUnit
else if (a[3]=none) then set (a[3]= LastCreatedUnit)
else if (a[4]=none) then set (a[4] = LastCreatedUnit)
else -> Kill a[1]
-> set a[1]=LastCreatedUnit

Ook... I don't really know how you detect the created unit. Maybe you use Spawned Unit or something but I put you here LastCreatedUnit to get the idea. How to detect it I would need to open my WE. Try this, hope it works.
Level 10
Apr 9, 2004
well i figure i'll simply created 16 variables; 8 for the slot units for being full or empty and 8, 4 for each unit summoned and 4 for when they're not circling my guy. I really hate using arrays and i find it simpler with less than 6 units to make a variable for each. At least then i'm 100% sure as to what i have to do. Maybe i'll make arrays after but the problem is if i don't trigger it right, i'll end up with surplus units who never got erased or stuff like that.
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