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Level 21
Feb 14, 2004
Please do not talk about unprotecting maps here
Unprotecting maps is not right its like crime and YOU GO MAKE YOUR OWN MAP AND BE HAPPY! Don't be gay n00b!

1. You can if it is yours but you should not if it is not. It is like stealing information and using it as if it is your own. It si gay stuff and people who unprotect maps are gay themselves.

2. If you like something in the map (such as skin or model) you should either contact the map creator if you can have permission to use the file or allowed to edit it.

3. You should not steal other people's hard work. They work very hard and n00bs don't know the meaning of " tough work " experience. Eventually when they grow up you may have a " crime " mind doing ilegal things. Map making is not a piece of cake and if your jealous and won't admit the map is " ass kicking " say loads of positive things and get playing it very often.

4. Unprotecting maps is not right also, if you do then your lame and all the files in the map which are imported will be removed because unprotecting is not safe and will crash your game if you play the map unprotected.

5. If you JUST want to tweak or make it better because you have cool and interesting ideas, DONT unprotect the map - the author knows best he has experienced what is needed and what is unnecessary, just contact him/her for that idea request (suggestion)

6. The author want his/her own privacy so no other people can edit his/her map, respect that as authors get really angry and others who unprotect & edit it may even realese a new version when its not even official!

7. If you just want to see a highly advanced map in action and how it is developed by just unprotecting it DON'T! Ask the author " how you do this " " teach me how to do that " etc, its better to learn that way than to just look around when its already protected. If the author does not answer and or tell you give it up, tough luck.

Thank you for reading.
(I would like to be moderator so I can delete all posts containing unprotecting information but I can't because the team is full. I can make the site a cleaner and safer place though if I do as you can see here.)
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Bravo! Bravo! now that is a good speech! and yet the thing that i liked most was that you spoke words that came Only from your mind and what you've (probably) witnessed! goodjob!

and to all those faggot ass n00bs out there! you had better read this, Pay attention to it!, and OBEY IT!
Or else suffer the consequenses in Jail! or with a new crime record!
Level 3
Apr 4, 2004
True u shouldnt mess with maps and mess them up by unprotecting them it sucks
just make ur own maps and if u want help or something ask creators not stealing their maps...
Level 1
Feb 16, 2004
The authors not gonna tell you how they did something... and i think its ok as long as you dont release a stupid 1 unit stat changed version under your name. and also you should give the maker credit. but when people get info on how to unprotect a map some noobs gonna get the info, unprotect something, and do what i just said not to do. so your kinda out of luck
Level 3
Jun 2, 2004
That is utter nonsense! You have been listening too mutch to the recording industries. You CAN NOT steal something electronic like that. Its not stealing. Stealing means taking something physically from someone else so they no longer have it.
Also, the license agreement specifices that Blizzard owns what you produce with the map, not you. And they don't want map "protection" (since it reduces scene producitivy) so deal with it.
Level 22
May 11, 2004
I notice you all mention asking the original map author about how to do thing if they did something in their map that you are curious on how it was done. You got to keep in mind that 99.9% of all map authors will either not bother responding or if they do, they just tell you off in a similar (but much more rude) fashion you stated here, (i.e. "go build your onw map, ****-face!") Map authors I noticed are genrally uncooperative, since if they know how to do something noone else does, they like to stay "king of the mountain" and keep it to themselves. I've unprotectred map only for educational purposes, not to change things or steal models...
Level 13
Jan 9, 2004
I don't see anything wrong with unprotecting maps as long as you're only modifying it for yourself or just looking at the triggers. If you're looking to upload a version of the map for public use even if you are giving credit to the owner you should as permission from the owner first. If he ignores you, then that;s too bad and you should not upload it.
Level 3
Jun 3, 2004
I agree 100% percent!!!

I put a lot of hard work into my maps and the last thing i want is someone ripping off my triggers that i figured out how to do all by myself....

Anyway, finding something else out for yourself is so much more rewarding than being told how to do it.
Level 22
May 11, 2004
If you would not help someone who asked, that's your preferance. But you got to keep in mind that triggers, especially when using mathmatical variables, required the same level of programming as other things that are based on C++. Not everyone knows that stuff, so it's not so easy to say "Learn it for yourself." Not everyone has time to learn a programming language just to set up a trigger, so observation of existing ones are essential for some map makers.
I'm very proud of my maps, too, and Ive had them ripped by other people before, but I'm not going to be a paranoid selfish prick and protect everything as a result. If even one person learned something from my maps by opening them up and observing, then that, to me, would be a greater reward then being some trigger know-it-all who has maps that no one can touch.
Level 6
May 13, 2004
Once again, i have to post something for one of these dumb topics... Blizzard wants noobies to edit maps to see how all this stuff works, like triggers, starters wont know how to do triggers right snap dab, no they wont, they will only wonder how... and probuably never make a good map, As for me, i edited a map when i first got on here, and once i found world editor on my computer... ¬ ¬ but they want you to edit a map so you can get skill also, thats how i started making great maps. Your post to edit maps, i mean what if the map creator never put up his e-mail address? you wouldnt be able to ask him. Just do it on your own, but dont take credit for the map. I have to agree taking credit for a map you didnt do, is gay! I bet you first edited a map to see how everything works on world editor at first, and if you did and you dont admit it on here, you are truly immature.
Level 3
Jun 2, 2004
Sopho said:
Hmm? I telling about not to unprotect maps. I am not saying anything about copyright, you can only unprotect maps though if you have permission or your a important person such as Darky.
Nonense. Anyway who can figure out how to unprotect a map can do so. Remember people who protect maps are not helping the comunity, they are working against it for selfish reasons.
Level 5
Jul 11, 2004
LifeDreamer said:
Sopho said:
Hmm? I telling about not to unprotect maps. I am not saying anything about copyright, you can only unprotect maps though if you have permission or your a important person such as Darky.
Nonense. Anyway who can figure out how to unprotect a map can do so. Remember people who protect maps are not helping the comunity, they are working against it for selfish reasons.

Well LifeDreamer protecting a map its not a selfifh or not helping a comunity , its just because the map makers dont want peoples to edit their maps and put abuses stuff in it or their names even though the map is made by someone els , let me tell you something, the best way is make the map on your own use your knowlege anything you dont know just Come To This Forum And Ask like me :) www.wc3sear.ch got alots of info you wanted to know here if you want something from the map maker just email or /whis on bnet to ask him they he not answer cause hes away , hes not answer in the email cause he busy , everyone got alot of things to do so be patient. i argree with Darky , map makers should not unprotect the map .
Level 6
Mar 25, 2004
Why is it selfish to protect a map? It's the easiest thing in the world to cheat on an un-protected RPG with save/load code! And if one player cheats on it, then it would ruin the fun for all others playing it.
And people DO change the map a tiny bit and give credits to themself.
One example: Enfo's Team Survival. I have 16 versions of that map (and i don't play much), there's barely any difference between them, and people all over the world have to spend sveral hours of downloading.

Lifedreamer wrote; "You CAN NOT steal something electronic like that. Its not stealing. Stealing means taking something physically from someone else so they no longer have it."
You CAN steal something electronic and not physically!
How about stealing a song? Or steal information from NASA's database? Isn't that stealing? Even though stealing a WC3-map isn't in the law-book is it wrong to do, because it's the author's work and if he chooses to protect it, then it's up to him.
Level 1
Jul 31, 2004
lol not

unprotect will always acsist and always be there
and lots off people use it.
becous there is no information on the internet about a spesefic kind off trigger and if tehy see it in an other map you don't give them an other option to unprotect the map !!!!!!!!!
Level 1
Jul 12, 2004
there protected for a reason once my maps go out of cycle i post the open source on the net so other people can use my triggers but while ther ein use i do not want someone stealing my ideas
Level 6
May 5, 2004
Sopho said:
Hmm? I telling about not to unprotect maps. I am not saying anything about copyright, you can only unprotect maps though if you have permission or your a important person such as Darky.

I completly agree with what you say, and its realy good you made this topic but as you said before "you can only unprotect maps though if you have permission or your a imortant person such as Darky"
even though you important person doesnt give you the reason to unprotect it, you still need permission, darky or any other important people is still a person just like all of us.. only if you just looking in the triggers, thats ok (like oz and you said)
Level 1
Apr 14, 2004
Guys you are forgetting one thing, that complete noobs who want credit for a map will not have the skills to unprotect. Thus only people with skills who would do good to the map could unprotect. So there is no danger of a noob fucking your good map up.

Maps made: TBAA
Maps to come: Halo-The RPG
Level 7
Jul 30, 2004
personally i think all this mumbo jumbo about credit is so nonsense... i won't really give my reasons here, but if everything was left unprotected that would be ideal if u ask me... so what if people might 'steal' ur ideas or maps, the reward should come from making it... i mean i see some maps with names in the title, at the start of the game, in the quest menu, in some secret, on some unit, at the end... jeez i put my name maybe once in the map

if someone really does screw the map up good that v won't be played much anyways
Level 1
Aug 1, 2004

First of all is this decision to block posts about map unprotection made by you or someone in high authority? Your not even a mod what power do you have to say that we can't post about this?

Second off, what gives darky any more right to unprotect maps than anyone else? Thats bullshit.

I'm 100% against map protection.
Level 13
May 5, 2004
crpye said:

First of all is this decision to block posts about map unprotection made by you or someone in high authority? Your not even a mod what power do you have to say that we can't post about this?

Second off, what gives darky any more right to unprotect maps than anyone else? Thats bullshit.

I'm 100% against map protection.

1. Sopho is a Mod, not as much power as I have in the forums, but still a Mod (Art-Section)

2. That would be a long discussion, I don't wanna say anything to this without Darky's knowledge

3. Same opinion (against map protection), but *sigh* look the b.net, thousands of maps edited by n00bs without giving credit. That's why we don't help anyone to unprotect a map.
Level 4
Jul 28, 2004
I think you should unprotect maps, only to view them, never releasing them modeified.
If your makeing a map, as someone said, ask them on how to do a trigger, and they will say no, in a much ruder fashion.
So that is the first thing you do, if they say no, unprotect their map, and look for yourself, but dont modify the map, or screw with it like a gay n00b.
Level 1
Aug 1, 2004
DarkShadow said:
crpye said:

First of all is this decision to block posts about map unprotection made by you or someone in high authority? Your not even a mod what power do you have to say that we can't post about this?

Second off, what gives darky any more right to unprotect maps than anyone else? Thats bullshit.

I'm 100% against map protection.

1. Sopho is a Mod, not as much power as I have in the forums, but still a Mod (Art-Section)

2. That would be a long discussion, I don't wanna say anything to this without Darky's knowledge

3. Same opinion (against map protection), but *sigh* look the b.net, thousands of maps edited by n00bs without giving credit. That's why we don't help anyone to unprotect a map.

1. Ok, I won't argue with this. Although its not for him to decide wether its "right" or "wrong" to unprotect a map. There is a thirteen page discussion about this issue on battle.net's forum.

2. You've made no point. My point still stands.

3. I realize what is going on in battle.net and makes me question my position in regards to map protection all the time. I don't have a problem with people editing maps as long as credit to the original author is given and it isn't a "n00b" edit(unbalanced, stupid edits). In fact I do this with maps alot, I only play them on lan though.
Level 13
Jan 9, 2004
You are right that Sopho has no right to decide if it can be discussed. He was not a moderator when he wrote that post, and he's only a mod of the Art section - which doesn't mean much on the forums. But, you are still not allowed to discuss it - sorry. Please leave this topic alone. All your doing i reviving an old topic that was written a long time ago. This discussion is over and I'm locking this thread. I'm tired of this discussion.
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