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- Jul 1, 2008
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Hi guys,
as i'm working on a Harvest moon Map, where you got tons of Cinematic Transmissions from several units for several players, i decided to make this thing more easy.
There is one main function, which lets you create a transmission to only one player, with and without the interface. Its much easier than do it manually.
Here is the result.
Please help me make it better.
There is an initialisation function, and two to handle the transmissions.
Please open the map, try it and read the ReadMe-File, if your interested.
- uses integer parameter interfaceMod instead of a boolean, you can perform several transmission from one unit like this
- doesnt need gamecache anymore
- uses global integer array
- improved some critical lines with GetLocalPlayer and the init-function
Here is the Version 0.3 of the example map.
as i'm working on a Harvest moon Map, where you got tons of Cinematic Transmissions from several units for several players, i decided to make this thing more easy.
There is one main function, which lets you create a transmission to only one player, with and without the interface. Its much easier than do it manually.
Here is the result.
Please help me make it better.
There is an initialisation function, and two to handle the transmissions.
Please open the map, try it and read the ReadMe-File, if your interested.
- uses integer parameter interfaceMod instead of a boolean, you can perform several transmission from one unit like this
- doesnt need gamecache anymore
- uses global integer array
- improved some critical lines with GetLocalPlayer and the init-function
//****** global integer array udg_CineInteger_DataArray[] ********
// [0] == MaxPlayers, its initialisized at init-function ( ej_Init_Cinemaic() )
// [Id+0*[0] + 1] == Transmission already on?
// [Id+1*[0] + 1] == Interface on/off ? keep Interface for next transmission = 2, keep Interface from last transmission = 3
// [Id+2*[0] + 1] == Transmission can be skipped entirely
// [Id+3*[0] + 1] == Transmission has been already skipped
// [Id+4*[0] + 1] == sounddat ID
// 1 == true, 0 == false
function ej_I2S takes integer i returns sound
return i
return null
function ej_S2I takes sound s returns integer
return s
return 0
//*************************EMMAS TRANSMISSION FROM UNIT FUNCTIONS*******************************
function ej_Player_Skipp_Cin takes nothing returns nothing
local player p = GetTriggerPlayer()
local integer Id = GetPlayerId(p)
local integer CineSkip = udg_CineInteger_DataArray[Id+2*udg_CineInteger_DataArray[0]+1]
local integer InterfaceStatus = udg_CineInteger_DataArray[Id+udg_CineInteger_DataArray[0]+1]
local sound ej_GetLastSoundForPlayer = ej_I2S(udg_CineInteger_DataArray[Id+4*udg_CineInteger_DataArray[0]+1])
if GetLocalPlayer() == p then
// End the Cinematic Scene
if ej_GetLastSoundForPlayer != null then
call StopSound(ej_GetLastSoundForPlayer,false,true)
call EndCinematicScene()
// if Cine can be skipped
if CineSkip == 1 then
if InterfaceStatus == 1 then // normal cinematic style
// if Player doesnt want to keep the interface for next TM
call ShowInterface(true, 0.00)
elseif InterfaceStatus == 3 then // just end
// Player wants to end multi transmissions
call ShowInterface(true, 0.00)
elseif InterfaceStatus == 0 then // text message style
call ClearTextMessages()
// set new information, interface is already skipped
set udg_CineInteger_DataArray[Id+3*udg_CineInteger_DataArray[0]+1] = 1
// set new information, Interface could not be skipped, wait untill the end
set udg_CineInteger_DataArray[Id+3*udg_CineInteger_DataArray[0]+1] = 0
set p = null
set ej_GetLastSoundForPlayer = null
function ej_Init_Cinemaic takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i = 0
local trigger new = CreateTrigger()
local player p
// create Cinematic Skip function
exitwhen i > bj_MAX_PLAYERS
// if player is human and playing
set p = Player(i)
if GetPlayerController(p) == MAP_CONTROL_USER and GetPlayerSlotState(p) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING then
// increase Player Count udg_CineInteger_DataArray[0]
set udg_CineInteger_DataArray[0] = udg_CineInteger_DataArray[0] + 1
// Initialize the transmission ESC function
call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(new, p, EVENT_PLAYER_END_CINEMATIC)
set i = i + 1
call TriggerAddAction(new, function ej_Player_Skipp_Cin)
// reset
set new = null
set p = null
function ej_Player_Cinematic takes player p, integer interfaceMod, real fadeDuration1, real fadeDuration2, unit tu, string TMName, string text, real wait, sound sounddat, boolean skippable returns nothing
local integer CineSkipped
local integer TransmissionOn
local integer Id = GetPlayerId(p)
local timer T_Wait = CreateTimer()
if GetLocalPlayer() == p then
// Other Transmission at the same time not possible
set TransmissionOn = udg_CineInteger_DataArray[Id+1]
if TransmissionOn == 0 then
set udg_CineInteger_DataArray[Id+1] = 1
// interfaceMod == 0 -> Sutitles, interfaceMod == 1 -> normal Transmission
if interfaceMod == 0 then
// Subtitles
call ForceCinematicSubtitles(true)
set udg_CineInteger_DataArray[Id+udg_CineInteger_DataArray[0]+1] = 0
elseif interfaceMod == 1 then
call ShowInterface(false, fadeDuration1)
set udg_CineInteger_DataArray[Id+udg_CineInteger_DataArray[0]+1] = 1
elseif interfaceMod == 2 then
// interfaceMod == 2 -> Player wants to keep the interface after the end of the transmission
call ShowInterface(false, fadeDuration1)
set udg_CineInteger_DataArray[Id+udg_CineInteger_DataArray[0]+1] = 2
elseif interfaceMod == 3 then
// interfaceMod == 3 -> dont show the interface, its already on, but hide after this one!
set udg_CineInteger_DataArray[Id+udg_CineInteger_DataArray[0]+1] = 3
// skippable means, transmission can be skipped entirely
if skippable then
set udg_CineInteger_DataArray[Id+2*udg_CineInteger_DataArray[0]+1] = 1
set udg_CineInteger_DataArray[Id+2*udg_CineInteger_DataArray[0]+1] = 0
// set the cinematic
set bj_lastTransmissionDuration = wait
set bj_lastPlayedSound = sounddat
set udg_CineInteger_DataArray[Id+4*udg_CineInteger_DataArray[0]+1] = ej_S2I(sounddat)
set bj_cineSceneLastSound = sounddat
// action
if sounddat != null then
call StartSound(sounddat)
call SetCinematicScene(GetUnitTypeId(tu), GetPlayerColor(p), TMName, text, bj_lastTransmissionDuration+ bj_TRANSMISSION_PORT_HANGTIME, bj_lastTransmissionDuration)
call PingMinimap(GetUnitX(tu), GetUnitY(tu), bj_TRANSMISSION_PING_TIME)
if IsUnitHidden(tu) == false then
// wait transmission time
call TimerStart(T_Wait,bj_lastTransmissionDuration,false,null)
set CineSkipped = udg_CineInteger_DataArray[Id+3*udg_CineInteger_DataArray[0]+1]
exitwhen TimerGetRemaining(T_Wait) == 0.00 or udg_CineInteger_DataArray[Id+3*udg_CineInteger_DataArray[0]+1] == 1
call TriggerSleepAction(0.10)
// handle interface Mods, and exit to game interface; dont exit if Mod == 2
if CineSkipped == 0 then
if interfaceMod == 0 then // Subtitle end
call ClearTextMessages()
// Subtitles
call ForceCinematicSubtitles(false)
elseif interfaceMod == 1 then // normal end
call ShowInterface(true, fadeDuration2)
elseif interfaceMod == 3 then // just end
call ShowInterface(true, fadeDuration2)
// reset the system
set udg_CineInteger_DataArray[Id+1] = 0
set udg_CineInteger_DataArray[Id+3*udg_CineInteger_DataArray[0]+1] = 0
call DestroyTimer(T_Wait)
set T_Wait = null
Here is the Version 0.3 of the example map.
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