Unit Pillaging

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Level 8
Sep 9, 2007
I'm trying to set it so every time a unit that has a specific ability attacks another unit that attacking units owner gains 1g... The thing is... the ability is added when said hero reaches certain level, so basically if that specific hero is high enuf level to get that ability i want to make it so with every attack u get 1g... and i've been off Wc3 for awhile and i cant quite remember if that can be done... because in triggers it won't allow me to choose a unit with a certain ability to have it function...

does that clear it up?
Level 14
Nov 4, 2006
hm, maybe, but if you use sth like this:
  • pillage
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit is being attacked
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Attacking unit)) equal to yourunit
      • (Owner of (Attacking unit)) equal to player 2 (blue)
    • Actions.
      • Player - Add 1 to player 2 (blue) current Gold
with "yourunit" being the unit-type having that ability, i guess there is only one type of units that have that ability? turn this trigger of as long the unit-type doesnt have the ability

Edit: didn't read the thing with the hero, you need a condition then which checks the hero level:
  • (Hero level of (Attacking unit)) Greater then 3
Level 12
Nov 5, 2007
Make an aura dummy with an AoE of 1(So that it only affects your unit).For example a trueshot aura with no bonuses,but with a Pillage buff that says "This unit will gain gold when it attacks"

Then do this:

-A unit is attacked

-Attacking unit has specific buff(this is under boolean comparison)"Pillage"

-Give X gold to owner of attacking unit.

Hope it helps.
Level 9
Oct 17, 2007
Why dont u mod the "Pillage" kill of the grunt, peon and raider?

-Change target types
-Change gold amount gained per successful attack.
-Remove required upgrades
-Make it hero ability and add LV requirements
-Add tool tips for when learning the skill

No need to make extra triggers GUI or JASS
Is that what u needed?(can also add a buff that says the unit is under the effect of pillage)
Level 9
Oct 17, 2007
Problem is setting the attacked units to 100g would create a conflict with gameplay

Well then this is the last solution i got:

-Make a dummy passive spell that does nothing (Can be anything e.i. evasion, bash, critical, stat bonus) make the values 0.
-Make a this trigger:
  • Events
    • Unit - A unit Is attacked
    • Conditions
      • (Level of Pillage for (Attacking unit)) Greater than 0
    • Actions
      • Player - Add 1 to (Owner of (Attacking unit)) Current gold
You can change the "(Attacking Unit)" to "(Attacked Unit)" if you want the player of the unit that's being attacked to gain the gold.
You can also make several of these triggers and change the level of the skill to have increased gold income as hero lv it up. Instead of "Greater than" use "Equal to" if you make more than 1 lvs.
Level 11
Dec 31, 2007
you may also create a passive skill with a buff (call it wherever you want) and then create a trigger that search for this buff
  • Events
    • Unit - A unit Is attacked
  • Conditions
    • Attacking unit has specific buff (your buff) equal to true
  • Actions
    • Player - Add 1 to (Owner of (Attacking unit)) Current gold

almost as Japut3h said but easier :p
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