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Unit is attacked - earlier detection needed

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Level 19
Apr 25, 2006
So what I would want to do is to give units a miss chance depending in the distance between the attacking and attacked unit. Problem is that if I use event unit is attacked then I cast a miss spell to the attacking unit the miss ability takes effect after the attack has been made though it should affect the attack. For example if unit has 100% miss chance from last spell and then it attacks a unit near him and I would give it 0% miss chance the first attack is a miss. So how can I detect a unit that is attacking a target earlier than unit is attacked event.
Level 9
Feb 14, 2009
I doubt such detection exsists. Alternatively, you can use a trigger to instantly heal the damaged unit (similar to DotA's Faceless Void skill). Thus you will need the Unit is attacked event.

Here are the functions
function DelayedDamageTimer takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
    local unit damagereceiver = GetHandleUnit(t, "Unit")
    call SetUnitState(damagereceiver, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, GetUnitState (damagereceiver, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) + GetHandleReal(t, "Damage"))

function DelayedDamage takes unit damagereceiver,real damage returns nothing
    local timer t=CreateTimer()
    call SetHandleReal(t, "Damage", damage)
    call SetHandleHandle(t, "Unit", damagereceiver)
    call TimerStart(t,0.,false,function DelayedDamageTimer)

function DelayedDamageCheck takes unit damagereceiver,real damage returns nothing
    local real maxlife=GetUnitState(damagereceiver, UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE)
    local real life=GetUnitState(damagereceiver, UNIT_STATE_LIFE)
    if damage > (maxlife - life)then
        if damage >= life then
            call SetUnitState(damagereceiver, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, maxlife)
            call DelayedDamage(damagereceiver, damage - (maxlife - life))
            call DelayedDamage(damagereceiver, damage)
        call SetUnitState(damagereceiver, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, GetUnitState(damagereceiver, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) + damage)
Level 19
Apr 25, 2006
uuh I use only gui but I know how to do this heal thing. one more thing about this. if the attacked unit actually dies due to getting too much damage I guess I need to revive it then instantly? but now there is a new problem. if I use takes damage for the attack detection which one happens first: the unit takes damage event or the unit dies event? well I can check this out too but if unit dies event happens first I guess I will be in some trouble since I have another trigger using unit dies event.
Level 9
Feb 14, 2009
There are several cases:

Unit has 600/1000 hp and takes 300 dmg. In that case it is healed after the damage
Unit has 100/1000 hp and takes 300 dmg. In that case it is healed before the damage
Unit has 1000/1000 hp and takes 300 dmg. In that case it is healed after the damage
Unit has 1000/1000 hp and takes 1500 dmg. In that case it is added 1500 max life and then is damaged. Same as if the unit has 600/1000 hp -> add 1500 to max and current hp and then damage it. Don't forget to remove the additional hp after the damage.

Use this and don't mess up with reviving. The funtions I entered are not complete but at least you will know the mechanism.
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