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- Feb 3, 2013
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Hi all I've been trying to learn more about structs and currently trying to recreate an unit indexer for the sake of practice.
The index works just fine, but the de - index won't go through - what am I doing wrong?
Okay i think its working now, but I'm not 100% sure..
The index works just fine, but the de - index won't go through - what am I doing wrong?
scope JassUnitIndexer initializer init
real indexEvent = 0.00
unit array units
integer array prev
integer array next
integer array rn
integer ic = 0
private function indexUnits takes unit u returns nothing
local integer this = rn[0]
if this == 0 then
set ic = ic + 1
set this = ic
set rn[0] = rn[this]
set next[this] = 0
set prev[this] = prev[0]
set next[prev[this]] = this
set prev[0] = this
set units[this] = u
call SetUnitUserData(units[this], this)
set indexEvent = 1.00
set indexEvent = 0.00
call BJDebugMsg("UNIT HAS BEEN INDEXED! UNIT " + GetUnitName(u) + " HAS BEEN INDEXED AS NUMBER " + I2S(this) + "!")
private function initializeIndex takes nothing returns boolean
local unit lvUnit = GetTriggerUnit()
local integer this
set this = next[0]
if GetUnitState(units[this], UNIT_STATE_LIFE) == 0 and units[this] != null then
call BJDebugMsg("Instance number " + I2S(this) + ", " + GetUnitName(units[this]) + " is being recycled!")
set units[this] = null
set prev[next[this]] = prev[this]
set next[prev[this]] = next[this]
set rn[this] = rn[0]
set rn[0] = this
set indexEvent = 2.00
set indexEvent = 0.00
set this = 0
exitwhen next[this] == 0 or (GetUnitState(units[this], UNIT_STATE_LIFE) == 0 and units[this] != null)
set this = next[this]
call indexUnits(lvUnit)
set lvUnit = null
return false
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
local rect lvRect = GetWorldBounds()
local region lvReg = CreateRegion()
local group g = CreateGroup()
local unit fog
call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(g, lvRect, null)
set fog = FirstOfGroup(g)
exitwhen fog == null
call indexUnits(fog)
call GroupRemoveUnit(g, fog)
call RegionAddRect(lvReg, lvRect)
call TriggerRegisterEnterRegion(t, lvReg, null)
call TriggerAddCondition(t, function initializeIndex)
call DestroyGroup(g)
set g = null
set t = null
Okay i think its working now, but I'm not 100% sure..
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