- Joined
- Jun 30, 2008
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I'm having this problem. The dummy unit has locust, but when the function is ran it suddenly doesn't have it anymore. But I have a regular placed dummy that is not affected by the code, and it still has locust.
Basically the code is suppose to create this dummy unit at the unit you left clicked. I have another code that moves that dummy unit to the targeted unit. But when I select a group around that unit, it selects the dummy unit and then the code is ran on that and it moves and disappears.
Here is the code:
Basically the code is suppose to create this dummy unit at the unit you left clicked. I have another code that moves that dummy unit to the targeted unit. But when I select a group around that unit, it selects the dummy unit and then the code is ran on that and it moves and disappears.
Here is the code:
library DamageTargSys initializer Init
constant integer SELECTER_MODEL = 'h004'
private constant integer MAX_DISTANCE = 1000
private boolean IsSelect = false
private function OnLeftClick takes nothing returns nothing
local player selecter = GetTriggerPlayer()
local unit target = GetTriggerUnit()
local CharDat dat = LoadInteger(CD, GetPlayerId(selecter), 1)
if (IsSelect == false) then
if (dat.Character != target) then
call ShowUnit(dat.SelectionMod, true)
set dat.Selection = target
set IsSelect = true
if (GetLocalPlayer() == selecter) then
// Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs.
call ClearSelection()
call SelectUnit(dat.Character, true)
set IsSelect = false
set selecter = null
set target = null
function OnDoubleLeftClick takes nothing returns nothing
function OnRightClick takes nothing returns nothing
private function CheckDist takes nothing returns nothing
local integer a = 0
local CharDat dat
local real dx
local real dy
local real dxy
exitwhen a > 9
set dat = LoadInteger(CD, a, 1)
set dx = GetUnitX(dat.Selection) - GetUnitX(dat.Character)
set dy = GetUnitY(dat.Selection) - GetUnitY(dat.Character)
set dxy = SquareRoot(dx * dx + dy * dy)
if (dxy >= MAX_DISTANCE) then
set dat.Selection = null
call ShowUnit(dat.SelectionMod, false)
set a = a+1
set a = 0
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
local integer a = 0
exitwhen a > 9
call TriggerRegisterPlayerSelectionEventBJ(t, Player(a), true)
set a = a + 1
set a = 0
call TriggerAddAction(t, function OnLeftClick)
call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), 0.03, true, function CheckDist)