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Unfinished Project!

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Level 6
May 5, 2004
I made this topic for all of those that making maps \ campagins or any other type of map, and its not finished and want to present it... so here is my map -

Map name: Peons Vs Peasants!
Version: 1.0
Map description: mini game map. i took the idea of 'Uther Party' casue i loved the map and i thought to make it in my own way - new games, TFT version (i know there is some uther party version that is for TFT), and different from uther party map this map is teams of 4 (4vs4), the story is about the competition between orc and human (you can geuss it by the name).
Level 13
May 5, 2004
I'm working on a single-player campaign called The World of Andolar - Shadows Rising (ProjectName). Having a complete new background-story (doesn't play in the wc3-universe) and the standard stuff (new spells, some new models etc). Don't ask me how long I've been working on it, it's long time ago. ATM there's no map started, only in my head. Till now I only completed the background story and the character stories.

Today I finally finished one of the two main characters, Akinos Skystrider, a young mage skilled on Fire Magic
Finished two new units, the Elven Ranger and the Orcish Flamemaster
One more, the Dwarven Axewarrior
Level 7
Mar 26, 2004
i have so many ideas for a warcraft map in my mind, but i won't finish them , because i don't have so much time :cry:

e.g: warcraft island, an adventure like monkey island. this would be possible, but would need a lot of triggers and time
or a pirates!-like map
or Tankz!!! a tank-war map
or mages & swordsmen, a tournament like map...hmmm...maybe i'll finish them, though
Level 13
Jan 9, 2004
I started a campaign that never really got finished.

Name: Rise of the Legion
Progress: First map completed, second on midpoint stage.
Description: This is a variation of the blizzard's story of the Burning Legion. It tells of the Archimonde's rie to power over the Burning Legion. The story begins with Archimodes destruction of the Black Citadel, and his taking control over the demonoc forces of Outland. Eager to begin his conquest of fire, he leaves Outland with his forces to destroy small worlds. When he returns, he finds Outland a frozen wasteland and the forces he left behind converted to frozen warriors, all under the power of N'erzhul. In an attempt to restore Outland to its original state of heat and restore his kingdom to himself, Archimonde sets forth a gainst the frozen leader, N'erzhul. After defeating N'erzuhl, Archimonde chains him to a throne of ice in the world of Azeroth.

If anyone would like to continue this project please email me and i'll send you the whole thing.
Level 2
Jun 4, 2004
Am am now working on a map . I didn`t even name it :D . Its a Hero Survival map ,, you now ,,, the last hero standing alive is the winner....
It's my firs map so it will not be a verry good map but ,, hey am am 16 years old , and I have plenty of time to learn ,,, 8)
Level 3
May 7, 2004
I've got a campaign I didn't finish. It's call the Human Exodus, featuring a paladin named Aran Stormfury. At the beginning of the campaign, the city of Kae'Thul, the successor of Capital City, was destroyed by the retaliating orcs (after the bonus orc campaign from TFT). During the first map you must find and escort three noblemen out of the city (which is a maze), help an old wizard, and make it out alive, all the while new orcs are spawning everywhere.

During the second map, you're stranded on a forested island in which you meet a strange ranger (Seltara), some dark trolls, dark elves, and even change forms as Aran once acquiring a special item.

The third map is pretty lame. It's just a castle featuring the dungeon tileset with only one cinematic :(.

The fourth map and fifth map are mainly cinematic, featuring the city of Lemuria. During your stay in Lemuria, you can play several mini-games that I made myself, including horse racing, a battle arena, survival battle, and a cliff-race-against-the-clock, where you have to make it up a hill with a certain amount of energy within a certain amount of time, while defeating oncoming enemies. I planned to make more games, but I didn't.

The next map is incomplete. It would have been a war map against the orcs set in a barrens tileset. I soon realized my story was bogus and wouldn't work, so I began another project. The maps are all in very good condition in terms of quality. Each, except for map #3, is rich with cinematics, special effects, and battles. If you would like to take over this project, let me know and I'll get it on my main PC so you can have it. Definately some potential, but I'm not that creative.
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