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Under Water Adventures

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
New Under Water Adventures 5 times as big

under, water, adventures, cool, fun, random, pointless, under water, underwater, under water adventures, adventure, cool, awesome, map, loldrelol, dre

Under Water Adventures (Map)

13:49, 16th Jun 2008 Septimus: -No description of what to do -Blood pool area very lag -What the hell there is a movie theatre under the sea ? -There is a bug with the movie, it just switch to cinematic and nothing happen, I had to press...




13:49, 16th Jun 2008

-No description of what to do
-Blood pool area very lag
-What the hell there is a movie theatre under the sea ?
-There is a bug with the movie, it just switch to cinematic and nothing happen, I had to press alt+f4 to quit
-Just explore the map with nothing to do ?

I am sorry to reject your map, but your map had too much bug and I don't think it is ready for approval.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
Can you give it a description?
Underwater Adventures sounds sweet but I don't really know what you do in it...
Level 5
Jan 22, 2008
-No description of what to do
-Blood pool area very lag
-What the hell there is a movie theatre under the sea ?
-There is a bug with the movie, it just switch to cinematic and nothing happen, I had to press alt+f4 to quite
-Just explore the map with nothing to do ?


Overal should be rejected.

nah, its the first underwater map that i have seen ^_^ so take that into mind