[JASS] Undeclared Function

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Level 4
Aug 1, 2007
I'm trying to figure out what the undeclared function is here. It's in the if (UNIT_STATE_LIFE(target)>damage[level]) then line at the begining of the loop. Also, some explanation of what undelcared function is would be nice.

function Trig_Quick_Blades_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit caster = GetSpellAbilityUnit()
    local unit target = GetSpellTargetUnit()
    local integer level = GetUnitAbilityLevel(caster,'A0AY')    
    local real array damage
    local effect effect1
    local effect effect2
    local location loc1
    local location loc2
    local integer hits = 4
    set damage[1] = 20
    set damage[2] = 25
    set damage[3] = 31.25
    set damage[4] = 39.06
    set damage[5] = 48.83
    set damage[6] = 61.04
    set damage[7] = 76.29
    set damage[8] = 95.37
    set damage[9] = 119.21
    set damage[10] = 149.01
    call PolledWait( 0.01 )
    call SetUnitTimeScalePercent( caster, 200.00 )
    call AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ( "hand, right", caster, "Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\SpiritOfVengeance\\SpiritOfVengeanceBirthMissile.mdl" )
    set effect1 = GetLastCreatedEffectBJ()
    call AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ( "hand, left", caster, "Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\SpiritOfVengeance\\SpiritOfVengeanceBirthMissile.mdl" )
    set effect2 = GetLastCreatedEffectBJ()
        exitwhen hits == 0
        if  (UNIT_STATE_LIFE(target)>damage[level]) then
            set hits = (hits-1)
            call SetUnitAnimation( caster, "attack" )
            set loc1 = GetUnitLoc(target)
            set loc2 = GetRandomLocInRect(RectFromCenterSizeBJ(loc1, 80.00, 80.00))
            call SetUnitFacingToFaceUnitTimed( caster, target, 0 )
            call SetUnitPositionLocFacingLocBJ( caster, loc2, loc1 )
            call UnitDamageTargetBJ( caster, target, damage[level], ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL )
            call AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ( "chest", caster, "Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\Blink\\BlinkCaster.mdl" )
            call DestroyEffectBJ( GetLastCreatedEffectBJ() )
            call AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ( "chest", target, "Abilities\\Weapons\\ZigguratMissile\\ZigguratMissile.mdl" )
            call DestroyEffectBJ( GetLastCreatedEffectBJ() )
            call TriggerSleepAction( 0.15 )
            call SetUnitAnimation( caster, "attack" )
            call SetUnitTimeScalePercent( caster, 25.00 )
            call SetUnitTimeScalePercent( target, 25.00 )
            call PolledWait( 1.85 )
            call AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ( "head", target, "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Stampede\\StampedeMissileDeath.mdl" )
            call UnitDamageTargetBJ( caster, target, damage[level], ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL )
            call DestroyEffectBJ( GetLastCreatedEffectBJ() )
            set hits = 0
    call SetUnitTimeScalePercent( caster, 100.00 )
    call SetUnitVertexColorBJ( caster, 100.00, 100.00, 100.00, 0.00 )
    call DestroyEffectBJ( effect1 )
    call DestroyEffectBJ( effect2 )
    call RemoveLocation (loc1)
    call RemoveLocation (loc2)
    set caster = null
    set target = null
    set effect1 = null
    set effect2 = null
    set loc1 = null
    set loc2 = null
Level 16
Feb 22, 2006
simple: u can't use only UNIT_STATE_LIFE u have to use GetUnitState(target,UNIT_STATE_LIFE)
function Trig_Quick_Blades_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit caster = GetSpellAbilityUnit()
    local unit target = GetSpellTargetUnit()
    local integer level = GetUnitAbilityLevel(caster,'A0AY')
    local real array damage
    local effect effect1
    local effect effect2
    local location loc1
    local location loc2
    local integer hits = 4
    set damage[1] = 20
    set damage[2] = 25
    set damage[3] = 31.25
    set damage[4] = 39.06
    set damage[5] = 48.83
    set damage[6] = 61.04
    set damage[7] = 76.29
    set damage[8] = 95.37
    set damage[9] = 119.21
    set damage[10] = 149.01
    call PolledWait( 0.01 )
    call SetUnitTimeScalePercent( caster, 200.00 )
    call AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ( "hand, right", caster, "Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\SpiritOfVengeance\\SpiritOfVengeanceBirthMissile.mdl" )
    set effect1 = GetLastCreatedEffectBJ()
    call AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ( "hand, left", caster, "Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\SpiritOfVengeance\\SpiritOfVengeanceBirthMissile.mdl" )
    set effect2 = GetLastCreatedEffectBJ()
        exitwhen hits == 0
        if GetUnitState(target,UNIT_STATE_LIFE) > damage[level]) then
            set hits = (hits-1)
            call SetUnitAnimation( caster, "attack" )
            set loc1 = GetUnitLoc(target)
            set loc2 = GetRandomLocInRect(RectFromCenterSizeBJ(loc1, 80.00, 80.00))
            call SetUnitFacingToFaceUnitTimed( caster, target, 0 )
            call SetUnitPositionLocFacingLocBJ( caster, loc2, loc1 )
            call UnitDamageTargetBJ( caster, target, damage[level], ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL )
            call AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ( "chest", caster, "Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\Blink\\BlinkCaster.mdl" )
            call DestroyEffectBJ( GetLastCreatedEffectBJ() )
            call AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ( "chest", target, "Abilities\\Weapons\\ZigguratMissile\\ZigguratMissile.mdl" )
            call DestroyEffectBJ( GetLastCreatedEffectBJ() )
            call TriggerSleepAction( 0.15 )
            call SetUnitAnimation( caster, "attack" )
            call SetUnitTimeScalePercent( caster, 25.00 )
            call SetUnitTimeScalePercent( target, 25.00 )
            call PolledWait( 1.85 )
            call AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ( "head", target, "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Stampede\\StampedeMissileDeath.mdl" )
            call UnitDamageTargetBJ( caster, target, damage[level], ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL )
            call DestroyEffectBJ( GetLastCreatedEffectBJ() )
            set hits = 0
    call SetUnitTimeScalePercent( caster, 100.00 )
    call SetUnitVertexColorBJ( caster, 100.00, 100.00, 100.00, 0.00 )
    call DestroyEffectBJ( effect1 )
    call DestroyEffectBJ( effect2 )
    call RemoveLocation (loc1)
    call RemoveLocation (loc2)
    set caster = null
    set target = null
    set effect1 = null
    set effect2 = null
    set loc1 = null
    set loc2 = null
Level 29
Jul 29, 2007
An undeclared function is obviously a function that isn't declared.

In Jass you declared functions by "function NAME takes PARAMETERS returns RETURN VALUE".

You can't just call any function name you want.

function bla takes nothing returns nothing
    // do something

function blo takes nothing returns nothing
    // do something

function bli takes nothing returns nothing
    call bla() // ok, we declared bla
    call blo() // ok, we delcared blo too
    call blablo() // huh? were exactly did we say (declare) this function exists?

Now specifically to your question, UNIT_STATE_LIFE can't take the parameter target because UNIT_STATE_LIFE is a constant integer which simply tells the game what state to return when you give functions that return states that integer.

And, as zandose said, use the GetWidgetLife native.
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