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Undead Race Mechanic: Nexus of the Dead

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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Race Mechanic

Nexus of the Dead

(formerly known as Armies of the Dead)

What is a race mechanic?
As the name suggests, race mechanic defines a mechanic specifically made for a particular race.
For the Second Books of Arkain, every race will receive at least one race mechanic to make the race more unique compared to the others.
They also increase the replayability of the campaigns since they are coupled with gameplay choices.

What is Nexus of the Dead?
After having spent so much time on collecting corpses of the various races, the Undead are finally putting them to use - in a way that goes past the simple creation of skeletons, though that of course is also an option.
The different nexus of the Undead differ from each other not only in personality but also in the units they field.

How do they work ingame?
You can tie yourself to one of the nexus by research in your Necropolis/Hall of the Dead/Black Citadel. These researches are all Tier 1 so they are available from the very beginning of the game!
You are limited to ONE nexus every game and you cannot undo your decision afterwards.
Do you want to drown your enemy in masses of skeletons and other skeletal monstrosities, send in own possessed soldiers against their mortal brethren or even command a group of "reeducated" Demons?
And that is not even all the options you have!

When will they be included?
Nexus of the Dead will be available right at the very beginning of the Second Undead Book!

Be sure to subscribe to the Arkain News Network thread to stay up to date with all news!
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Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
This is indeed very interesting!
The chance to choose our army before the fight starts. How exciting!

I guess other options will be the Dark Elves and the Undead Nerubians, among others, correct?

Will this also affect the heroes we can control per mission?

Maybe completing some Optional Quests could provide us with new units. Like reaching some graveyards where they buried some powerful warriors or heroes could grant us new units and upgrades.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
I guess other options will be the Dark Elves and the Undead Nerubians, among others, correct?
Sadly I do not have enough fitting dark elven models to make them their own faction at the
moment, so they'd probably be added to another army or even all armies, though given the
chance I would make them their own option. Depends on what I find or not.

Will this also affect the heroes we can control per mission?
Considered that, but that would make several scenarios - like missions taking place at about
the same time, with the places being far away of one another - illogical.
It would also require much more triggering work, though the former reason being the main reason
for why I won't tie characters with the race mechanic.

Maybe completing some Optional Quests could provide us with new units. Like reaching some graveyards where they buried some powerful warriors or heroes could grant us new units and upgrades.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Sadly I do not have enough fitting dark elven models to make them their own faction at the
moment, so they'd probably be added to another army or even all armies, though given the
chance I would make them their own option. Depends on what I find or not.

Since Dark Elves are technically not part of the Undead faction, as they are either allies or vassals, it makes sense they can be accessible to all armies.
To make things more complex, or harder, you could make a research that we have to unlock if we want to train Dark Elven units and have access to their upgrades.

Considered that, but that would make several scenarios - like missions taking place at about
the same time, with the places being far away of one another - illogical.
It would also require much more triggering work, though the former reason being the main reason
for why I won't tie characters with the race mechanic.

Are there gonna be limitations? Will we have access to all possible factions from the start of the campaign, or will we gain more option as the story progresses?

Will there be missions where we will be forced to play one faction, or have no access to some that are already unlockable?

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Are there gonna be limitations? Will we have access to all possible factions from the start of the campaign, or will we gain more option as the story progresses?
Not with all from start, though they should not take long to be unlocked.
Will there be missions where we will be forced to play one faction, or have no access to some that are already unlockable?




Excuse me for my arrogance, but what the f...? Is this like an outdated idea posted for additional lore or are you back to modding?
I've been out of the loop lately.




Well, I'd rather leave the audacious assumptions for the time being, I guess.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015


So with the Second Orc Book done, allow me to review the possible sub-factions for the Undead:

-Regular Undead Army: composed of skeletons, necromancers, banshees, abominations, etc.
-Dark Elves: like you said before Shar, these will most likely be a sub-sub-faction due to lack of models that could be useful
-Undead Nerubians: I guess the situation will be similar to the Dark Elves
-Fallen Warriors of the Dominion: considering that in the Second Orc Book we faced undead orcs, undead trolls and undead ogres I guess this might be one of the options
-Fallen Demons (or a cool name like the Fallen Legion, the DarkSkull Legion, the BeyondGrave Legion, etc): if Ornassion and Margazar were not raised simply for specific goals, I would say Aridon has also been raising corpses of demons
Level 10
May 10, 2018

So with the Second Orc Book done, allow me to review the possible sub-factions for the Undead:

-Regular Undead Army: composed of skeletons, necromancers, banshees, abominations, etc.
-Dark Elves: like you said before Shar, these will most likely be a sub-sub-faction due to lack of models that could be useful
-Undead Nerubians: I guess the situation will be similar to the Dark Elves
-Fallen Warriors of the Dominion: considering that in the Second Orc Book we faced undead orcs, undead trolls and undead ogres I guess this might be one of the options
-Fallen Demons (or a cool name like the Fallen Legion, the DarkSkull Legion, the BeyondGrave Legion, etc): if Ornassion and Margazar were not raised simply for specific goals, I would say Aridon has also been raising corpses of demons

Dunno, I think the Regular undead could be further divided along lines like Skeletons, Flesh Monstrosities, Spellcasters, Ghosts... Maybe not to that extent, but 'Regular Undead Army' sounds a bit too general foor me here.

Also, Shar, what is the current luck regarding Dark Elves and Undead Nerubian models? Any breakthrugh, or any possibilitiy of being able to ask for other models to other creators here?

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
-Dark Elves: like you said before Shar, these will most likely be a sub-sub-faction due to lack of models that could be useful
That may actually no longer be the case, I have found quite some useful models since then.
Also, Shar, what is the current luck regarding Dark Elves and Undead Nerubian models? Any breakthrugh, or any possibilitiy of being able to ask for other models to other creators here?
Unlike with the Orcs, I want this to be open for speculations because a) I am not ENTIRELY done with the planning yet and b) I am cruel like that.
I will only confirm four factions for now and not tell you how many I will add to them. ;)
These are not the official faction names. They DO already have such names ,of course, but those I will also keep to myself for now. :p
- Undead Demons
- Skeleton Legion
- Possessed
- Dark Elves
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
These are not the official faction names. They DO already have such names ,of course, but those I will also keep to myself for now. :p
- Undead Demons
- Skeleton Legion
- Possessed
- Dark Elves

Oh yeah, I completely forgot about the Possessed! Silly me! :p
Level 6
Jul 15, 2017
Isthe possessed imperial human captain going to be the leader of the possess subfaction?

If you guys don't know
Is around First Undead Book chapter something where your optional goal is to possess the imperial captain to aid you against the karskin, dwarven forces.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
The Army of Bones shall rise again!!!

I believe choosing wich Nexus to play as will also unlock some Unique Heroes for particular maps ( i choose Skeleton Legion i get one Bonelord (i wish :D ) , Undead Demons i get Ornassion ) ?

I once thought the same, but Shar said that it would be too complicated and it could not make much sense on terms of story.




So we won't be seeing anything like the undead of the first book?

I mean first books had a regular warcraft roster anyway, but judging by our recent encounters with the undead their unit roster seemed the same. Regardless, I just hope to see the hero roster (and their abilities!) unchanged. Kinda miss killing people with Rahandir.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
So we won't be seeing anything like the undead of the first book?
Very unlikely that you do, yes. I am currently tinkering on the undead factions.
but judging by our recent encounters with the undead their unit roster seemed the same
So did the Orcs, mostly, for the Second Human Book.
Of course I could have made ALL races' changes during the creation of the Second Human Book,
but that would only have prolonged its creation and was kind of unneccessary at that point.
Plus, it would have made it less of a surprise (I mean, it wasn't really a surprise due to the races
of the Tribal Dominion being public, but for Undead it will be a bit less predictable what their unit
builds will look like).
Regardless, I just hope to see the hero roster (and their abilities!) unchanged. Kinda miss killing people with Rahandir.
I'd never take that Fist of Ice away from Rahandir.
Level 6
Oct 25, 2020
Can I suggest some changes on that?

Can you just make a basic Undead Nexus the default one?

Then if you want any exclusive Nexus skills, you have to choose with these choices:

Ejara if you want any Undead beasts, Undead Orcs and Nerubians.
Scarec with the Skeleton Legion.
Ardoz with their constructs and abominations.
Rohir with their own set of units.
Zirr with their strong support units.
Kezzar with Undead Demons.
Lenira with Dark Elves and Undead unit combination.
Daviliad with Undead Elves as unit.
Splecir with their elite units.

Just like Humans and the Leadership Boni style of choices.
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