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Uncompetitive Coop maps?

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Level 2
Sep 30, 2013
Hey guys, I'm a huge fan of just surviving against the bad guys with a group of friends all on the same team, and kind of trying to get further every time. I'm after map suggestions.

I've noticed a lot of the time we end up playing a game designed for two teams to compete against each-other such as enfo's or legion td. We end up pooling into one side and ignore the gameplay revolving around beating the other team. What are some good maps that are actually designed for what we are doing?

(I'm after both Tower Defence and Hero Defence and everything in between. In concept, I kind of like Wintermaul but the creeps move so slowly sometimes and the towers are very simple. Zombie Survival Z is a great map along what I'm after but was easy to exploit eventually. And I know about demon circle td, green td, and mafa td)

tl:dr Cool maps where you try to last as long as you can with your friends all on the same team?
Level 2
Sep 30, 2013
thanks for the reply, I might try that map sometime. But that's sort of an RPG or story right? I'm more after wave survival
Level 2
Sep 30, 2013
thanks everyone, downloaded all of that. funnily enough downloaded moomoo already without knowing what it is or trying it yet, I'll have to give it a shot then :p
Level 15
Aug 7, 2013
You might enjoy Sunken City then.

It's all about teamwork and cooperation, and there's very little competition for items, as everyone is a different class (healer, dps, or tank).
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