Woah. I don't get out on the web much , but I cruised over to SC2 suggestions forum, then found myself tinkering around with a WC 3 map concept I had. Then I gradually worked my way over here.
Holy stuff this forum is HUGE! And I found solutions to all those things that used to bug me in the maps I used to make in my spare time (but never finished, as was typical).
So yeah, I just wanted to say hi, I'm going to be scoping around, and hopefully someone might be able to solve all my map problems for me . I'm having a little brain strain at the moment with my new one.
An epic multiplayer RPG that's as open and free (and trigger complicated) as I can get it. I don't have any of the additional tools and stuff, never knew where to find them, and I'm on 56k in the most remote part of the world.
But I psyched!
If anyone can point me towards someone or some place that might be able to explain how I can have the following system.
There are several cities (for the moment we'll assume they're fixed, no player built ones). Each one has it's own 'civilisation' it's own set of citizens (variable unit group and the like) infrastructure and most importantly here, it's city guard.
Trade and contraband are common, and traders will often try to smuggle contraband into the city.
The guards are a diverse lot, some of them are Lazy, some are Indifferent, some are Alert. This affects how quickly they will spot a Suspicious individual, or simply how quickly they browse through the crowd in their LoS for a Suspicious person.
They will then 'search' the man, comparing the items in his inventory to a array variable (of some kind, don't ask me, I'm still trying to figure it out) that tells him which items are acceptable in the city (according to city law) and which are contraband.
How the heck can I accomplish this? I keep running into big walls, and my brain's trying to squeeze out my left eyesocket.
I tried to create a item classification 'contraband', but that means that it would be contraband everywhere, and not all the cities might have a ban on it. The only thing I can think of, is to apply the new custom value (of a huge prewritten list of items) of that item's contraband level to the item as it passes through the borders in someone's pocket.
But that will create issues in other areas, such as towns whose influence pass inside the region, or when applying for your own bit of separate land that is not governed by city law. I guess I could cover that in the conditions. Um.
Basically, I want every guard in the city to have a periodic event to make them turn their watchful eye on random pedestrians passing by (and the trigger doesn't allow for a 'general unit acquires a target') and apply the search trigger to them after a brief amount of time which is based on a Alert or awareness integer of the guard.
Don't know if I've managed to explain the problem very well, but any help would be great. Btw, I don't know anything about any program other than the World Edit itself, though I think I get the principle of some I've heard about. I'm not too interested in creating fancy new models or spell effects, I just want to get the fundamentals of the RPG down, prettiness later.
And I have a billion things I'll probably have to ask about.
So, can anyone hulp me puh-lease?
(This website forum stuff is disorienting, I'm going to forget which forums and places I frequent )
(Lol, I almost skipped the BOT question when I registered. That would have been an oopsy.)
Holy stuff this forum is HUGE! And I found solutions to all those things that used to bug me in the maps I used to make in my spare time (but never finished, as was typical).
So yeah, I just wanted to say hi, I'm going to be scoping around, and hopefully someone might be able to solve all my map problems for me . I'm having a little brain strain at the moment with my new one.
An epic multiplayer RPG that's as open and free (and trigger complicated) as I can get it. I don't have any of the additional tools and stuff, never knew where to find them, and I'm on 56k in the most remote part of the world.
But I psyched!
If anyone can point me towards someone or some place that might be able to explain how I can have the following system.
There are several cities (for the moment we'll assume they're fixed, no player built ones). Each one has it's own 'civilisation' it's own set of citizens (variable unit group and the like) infrastructure and most importantly here, it's city guard.
Trade and contraband are common, and traders will often try to smuggle contraband into the city.
The guards are a diverse lot, some of them are Lazy, some are Indifferent, some are Alert. This affects how quickly they will spot a Suspicious individual, or simply how quickly they browse through the crowd in their LoS for a Suspicious person.
They will then 'search' the man, comparing the items in his inventory to a array variable (of some kind, don't ask me, I'm still trying to figure it out) that tells him which items are acceptable in the city (according to city law) and which are contraband.
How the heck can I accomplish this? I keep running into big walls, and my brain's trying to squeeze out my left eyesocket.
I tried to create a item classification 'contraband', but that means that it would be contraband everywhere, and not all the cities might have a ban on it. The only thing I can think of, is to apply the new custom value (of a huge prewritten list of items) of that item's contraband level to the item as it passes through the borders in someone's pocket.
But that will create issues in other areas, such as towns whose influence pass inside the region, or when applying for your own bit of separate land that is not governed by city law. I guess I could cover that in the conditions. Um.
Basically, I want every guard in the city to have a periodic event to make them turn their watchful eye on random pedestrians passing by (and the trigger doesn't allow for a 'general unit acquires a target') and apply the search trigger to them after a brief amount of time which is based on a Alert or awareness integer of the guard.
Don't know if I've managed to explain the problem very well, but any help would be great. Btw, I don't know anything about any program other than the World Edit itself, though I think I get the principle of some I've heard about. I'm not too interested in creating fancy new models or spell effects, I just want to get the fundamentals of the RPG down, prettiness later.
And I have a billion things I'll probably have to ask about.
So, can anyone hulp me puh-lease?
(This website forum stuff is disorienting, I'm going to forget which forums and places I frequent )
(Lol, I almost skipped the BOT question when I registered. That would have been an oopsy.)