Ultra PONG! v1.1

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Level 6
Aug 15, 2007
Map: Ultra PONG! v1.1

Map Creator:Jetherit

Current Stage:
Finished (with room for improvement)

Map Summary:

It's the fourth thing I've submitted to Hive, the third that actually worked, the second map, and the first thing that I was actually proud of. I put some serious time into the mechanisms of this game. It's only two player because I wanted to follow tradition. >_> I'm oldschool, don't hate. All the abilities are built directly into the game, meaning the triggers affect the function of the game itself. It was originally made as a birthday present for a friend but after I got obsessed with making all the abilities I thought it was good enough to be enjoyed by more people. It can be found here. There are in total 8 completely JASS'd (and almost completely leakfree, too) abilities. Once I get my good computer back I will work on adding better special effects, and mixing all the "Every .02 seconds of game time" triggers into one. I hope you like it, and thanks to anyone who takes the time to check it out. :infl_thumbs_up:

Changes in the making:
*Players will soon be able to choose to control their paddle either with arrow keys or with simple unit move orders.
*Working on flashy new effects for Flight of Hermes ability and for when Loki's fake ball hits a wall.

If anyone finds a glitch, please inform me. Thank you.

Thanks to Blizzard Entertainment for the Mindrot and Phase Shift icons.
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Level 4
Aug 7, 2007
You're link isn't valid, it starts off with http://http//... even when fixing it manually and removing that bad intro, the link goes to the page for the Lindormr Dragon model. Why not just upload the map directly to this thread?

Obviously I haven't tested the map out yet, but if you really only have it as a 2-person map, I have a suggestion. Turn it into a tournament format, have either an 8-player standard bracket, or a 12-player round robin bracket where the player with the most victories wins the tournament. I think this would make the map much more appealing to battle.net players.

I'd suggest using arrow keys for movement to make it even more old-school, but I've learned from experiences that mixing arrow key detection with abilities can lead to problems.
Level 6
Aug 15, 2007
You're link isn't valid, it starts off with http://http//... even when fixing it manually and removing that bad intro, the link goes to the page for the Lindormr Dragon model. Why not just upload the map directly to this thread?

Obviously I haven't tested the map out yet, but if you really only have it as a 2-person map, I have a suggestion.

I fixed the link. I screwed up with Copy and Paste. Thanks. The game is already manipulated using the Up and Down arrow keys, and it works fine. All Abilities are hotkeyed to QWER/ASDF (8 abilities). Also, your suggestion is plausible, but the main Pro of the game is the abilities. Some of them I am very proud of. For now, and until I get my good computer back, there is nothing I can do. I imagine though, that watching people play pong while awaiting your turn is very boring. Unless you can devise some groundbreaking 8 player pong system, its staying oldschool; the way I like it.

Also, thank you madcat. Yes, that's the correct link.
Level 4
Aug 7, 2007
I'd be more than happy to take a look at your map and see if I can advise a method to make it work for multiple players. I don't see any reason it couldn't be done, any system you can make for 2 players you could replicate to work for 4 games going at once. It just takes a little more effort :p

The reason I'm so interested is because I take interest in games being replicated into a Wc3 map. I'm currently working on a Monopoly map, myself.
Level 12
Jul 11, 2007
Alright... why are you using arrow key to movet he paddle? That's classic, but it delays on bnet... It's not good like that... also, arrow keys are not too responsive... it's very griddy. And why does the ball have such a hard start whenever a new round begins? Somtimes, your paddle can't physically get to it.
Level 6
Aug 15, 2007
Zanam, I truly appreciate your enthusiasm, however there are some reasons for which this cannot be done.

A very substantial part of this game is based on the fact that the board is centered on the 0,0 coordinates. In fact, A LOT of it is. The paddle detection follows a strict set of coordinates to make the ball seem to bounce off the paddle. There isn't just some action called "Unit-Make unit bounce off unit". I have to give a set of conditions to match, then put global variables through a mathematical process to get the reflecting angle out of it. Another difficult reason is that although I'm not a fan of them, this map uses about 20 global variables. It would be quite a feat to multiply all of them by 4, and link all the triggers to make them affect the appropriate player. Furthermore, and this is the real kicker, the trigger that makes all moving objects move runs every .02 seconds (Yes, I know thats too small, but its the only trigger running in the whole map so leave me alone). The trigger contains almost exactly 100 lines. 5000 lines a second to compute the actions of at MOST, 4 items. There are also individual triggers that run at the same rate to make the paddles move up and down (I am working at integrating them). I made the triggers run so often because the entire, and I mean ENTIRE game was designed to be a 2 player. Also, all 8 abillities are seriously hardwired into the game. They do absolutely nothing themselves, the just run triggers. To make all 8 abilities correspond with 8 different players would be a serious feat, on top of the already complex game that I've made.

Sorry to scare you with a giant blob of text, Zanam. In summary, as you said I enjoy remaking old games into Warcraft games (I was inspired by Warcraft Tron >_>). If I felt it would make the game a significant amount better by making it 8 players, I would. However I do not feel that way. Sorry.

Supermj, I am aware that arrow keys are slow on B.net. Furthermore, the process I use to register them in the triggers is more delayed than it should be. As stated in the massive blob above, I am working on integrating it. However it is always possible to hit the ball if you anticipate it coming at you and center your paddle ahead of time. I played many games with my friend and it worked fine for us.
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Level 4
Aug 7, 2007
I took a look at it in the editor, and I see what you mean about the coordinates. It would take a complete overhaul to change it to be multiplayer, and if you're happy with the map at it's current state, then it is still an accomplishment. I hope you try your luck at other replications in the future!
Level 6
Aug 15, 2007
Los Tacos, yes, I tried using regions. The thing is, it is hard to make them fit perfectly with the paddle. Also, with 50 runs a second, the difference between moving regions and changing some numbers is made very apparent. I prefer numbers more, and if you've played the map, you'd see it works very well. Thanks for your input, though.

In response to Zanam:
Thank you for encouragement. If you need any trigger help with Monopoly, don't be afraid to ask me.
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