Map: Ultra PONG! v1.1
Map Creator:Jetherit
Current Stage: Finished (with room for improvement)
Map Summary:
It's the fourth thing I've submitted to Hive, the third that actually worked, the second map, and the first thing that I was actually proud of. I put some serious time into the mechanisms of this game. It's only two player because I wanted to follow tradition. >_> I'm oldschool, don't hate. All the abilities are built directly into the game, meaning the triggers affect the function of the game itself. It was originally made as a birthday present for a friend but after I got obsessed with making all the abilities I thought it was good enough to be enjoyed by more people. It can be found here. There are in total 8 completely JASS'd (and almost completely leakfree, too) abilities. Once I get my good computer back I will work on adding better special effects, and mixing all the "Every .02 seconds of game time" triggers into one. I hope you like it, and thanks to anyone who takes the time to check it out.
Changes in the making:
*Players will soon be able to choose to control their paddle either with arrow keys or with simple unit move orders.
*Working on flashy new effects for Flight of Hermes ability and for when Loki's fake ball hits a wall.
If anyone finds a glitch, please inform me. Thank you.
Thanks to Blizzard Entertainment for the Mindrot and Phase Shift icons.
Map Creator:Jetherit
Current Stage: Finished (with room for improvement)
Map Summary:
It's the fourth thing I've submitted to Hive, the third that actually worked, the second map, and the first thing that I was actually proud of. I put some serious time into the mechanisms of this game. It's only two player because I wanted to follow tradition. >_> I'm oldschool, don't hate. All the abilities are built directly into the game, meaning the triggers affect the function of the game itself. It was originally made as a birthday present for a friend but after I got obsessed with making all the abilities I thought it was good enough to be enjoyed by more people. It can be found here. There are in total 8 completely JASS'd (and almost completely leakfree, too) abilities. Once I get my good computer back I will work on adding better special effects, and mixing all the "Every .02 seconds of game time" triggers into one. I hope you like it, and thanks to anyone who takes the time to check it out.

Changes in the making:
*Players will soon be able to choose to control their paddle either with arrow keys or with simple unit move orders.
*Working on flashy new effects for Flight of Hermes ability and for when Loki's fake ball hits a wall.
If anyone finds a glitch, please inform me. Thank you.
Thanks to Blizzard Entertainment for the Mindrot and Phase Shift icons.
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