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Uhh! Uploading model in this site problem...

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While I was uploading my next model, I got a message like this (don't mind the "Bläddra" word since I use a Swedish version of Windows).


The problem is that I could not find these two models in the wc3 directories, so I've tried to make fake mdx:s or get another small mdx files but it resulted with the message "You haven't uploaded the correct MDX files I wanted".

The weird is that those mystic mdx files have nothing to do with my model. :?

So what is the problem and can I solve it? Or can someone help me find the paths for the true Effect12.mdx and Effect8.mdx?

[I'm not sure the Model forum is the right place to talk about this]
Nope, It didn't have any attachment models at all. But no worries. I have examined the main model with Notepad (the main model was in mdl) and searched (using the Find function) to see if those mdx files could be there. And I was lucky.

//Location of one of the weird MDX files

Attachment "Head Ref" {
	ObjectId 49,
	Parent 44,
	AttachmentID 4,
	Path "Effects8.mdx",
	Visibility 3 {
		26667: 1,
		86567: 0,
		87333: 0,

At the attachment sections, you can find those weird mdx. What I did was removing Path "Effects8.mdx", and Path "Effects12.mdx",. And the model still worked, both in preview and in-game.
And the attachment message doesn't show up anymore when I upload that model, wich is good.

So I solved my own problem. :mrgreen:
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