Uber challenging model request!

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Level 3
Feb 18, 2012
Ok. I've been browsing Hive for a while, and I'm making a hero defense.
See, the thing is, I need a custom lancer model. They look like this

its a large img btw

Note to avoid confusion: Not the big guy lying dead, the soldiers around him with large shields and sh*t...

Use this vid as a ref to anims. Skip to 3:51 and the lancers will appear.
I want the move anim to be the same as the lancer's charge.
Make the attack anim whatever stabbing anim you want
Tell me the textures you used for them so I can edit the textures later (or if youre feeling generous, make the custom texture pl0x)
And make a copy of it with a villager head instead of a skull.
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Level 3
Feb 18, 2012
and is this map anywhere near being finished?

about 40-65%

still need to terrain a bit more, but i have the creep spawn scripts, the recipe triggers, and some heroes done. Apart from the terrain, all I need to do is to change the models to something more fitting (damn blizzard's repulsive models) and to get a boss trigger.
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