Twillight Stand

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Level 14
Jan 5, 2009
Wrote this story because I am bored.

Chapter - The Beginning

Some say the Universe was created by a giant explosion, some say by a powerful entity. But the Universe of Galioth was created by the energies seeping through the void from other universes. The energy manifested itself into matter, and the matter started to take the form of worlds, and stars. But some of the matter turned into life. Most matter took these forms, but a new type emerged, Sentential Matter. This matter twisted by the very imaginations of life forms from other universe turned itself into either dark hostile creatures, or normal life. The Dark side created predators throughout the worlds, while the light filled them with plants, and animals that were balanced. Before long, Galioth's influence seeped through the void, though it didn't create any effects, it took knowledge. The Dark Side used this to an advantage and created Humanity.

Although unlike many universes, humanity in Galioth progress from spears to guns in less than a few hundred years from its creation. The Dark Side had enhanced its ability to invent to a stage where that they spreading from world to world in the date: 895 AC (After Creation). Humanity grew restless, its urge to gain power was soon amplified by the Dark Side's influence and a galactic war began. Many did not know the reason but it happened. The Light Side helpless to do anything, stood and watch humanity tear itself apart. However, this was not the case, a dominant force rose and created order. The Evil Sentient Matter saw this as a threat to its master plan. So they created a secondary race, the Malivoc, as a way to destroy humanity's new found order.

Like Humanity, the Malivoc developed technology quickly. The Evil Sentient matter shrouded the new found race from humanity to stop it from being put to an end. It was a few hundred years before humanity spotted the Malivoc, expeditions were sent to investigate and make a peace treaty. However, the evil Sentient matter 'programmed' the Malivoc to be aggressive and hostile. A war soon sparked between Humanity and the Malivoc. The sides were even for a while, no territory was being gained or lost. Although humanity began to win for its sheer population as humanity was had far more worlds then the Malivoc. A treaty was soon made between the Malivoc and Humanity.

The Treaty lasted for 20 Years before many Malivoc Citizens grew restless with the treaty. Many Malivoc Worlds went into rebellion against its own government. The Malivoc Government held against multiple attacks on the Capital World. However, the Rebellion soon decided to attack Humanity. An ambassador was sent to the Human Capital to explain the Situation. The Human Government saw this truth and sent aid to quell the rebellion.

However, the Rebellion was not quelled in time. Many outer worlds had been taken and they had set up defensive fortifications. It seemed that they had been planing this for a long time. Although many attacks on the rebellion slowed their progress down, this enabled humanity and the Malivoc empire to gain strength and make one big attack on the Rebels homeworld of Sha'loc V.

Chapter 2 - The Siege of Sha'loc V

General Maxon of the Fifth United Fleet stood on the bridge overseeing the fleet when the Trans-communicator beeped. He walked over, a hologram appeared of the High Lord, Kelis, he stared at General Maxon then he began to speak.
"We have received intel that the enemy world Sha'loc V is in a weakened state." he said in serious tone.
"You must position your fleet around the planet to make sure none of the rebels escape..."
"It will be done" Maxon said in an assuring tone of voice.

The Trans-communicator beeped and shut off. Maxon walked to the front of the bridge. "Okay Men, Set course for Sha'loc V." He ordered. The flight crew relayed the order to the other ships, one by one the ships went into hyper-space heading for Sha'loc V. It was moments later all the ships appeared near Sha'loc V, they began to move closer towards the planet then eventually stopping. "We must wait for the others to arrive" he said.

It was only a few minutes later, two more fleets came in, one Malivoc and the other Human. The Malivoc fleet was lead by Commander Shatar, and the Human fleet was lead by Admiral Helos. Both had high experience in the field of battle and had atleast a good amount of medals. Maxon signaled the both of them to began the invasion, both of the fleets went into orbit.

As the fleets entered the orbit of Sha'loc V they were met with heavy fire from the ground base defences. Both of the fleets began to take serious damage. It seems that the rebel's defences were underestimated. "Get out of there!" Maxon yelled over the com-links. But was already too late, the fleets had sustained too much damage and were unable to retreat. Maxon become angered with the misinformation he was given, he ordered one of his troops to find the source of the information.

Before long the soldier came back with the requested source, he gave Maxon a eerie look before speaking. "Sir, the information you requested. The source of the information was from the Malivoc High command!" the soldier spoke. Maxon immediately rushed over to the com-link. "I request permission to speak the High Lord Kelis immediately." However no response was given to Maxon. It became quite suspicious of what was going on. Some thoughts immediately ran throughout Maxon's mind... 'Was it all a plot to catch humanity off-guard? Was it a plot to remove three fleets from the armada? Or was it a plot to kill me?'

However, Maxon quickly dismissed these thoughts and started to think of a way to fix this problem. "Men, set the Hyper-drive for Earth." Before long all the calibrations had been done for the hyper-drive, the crew were waiting for the order to go. He pointed forwards exaggeratedly, it was the order. The ship blasted off into hyperspace heading towards earth.

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