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Turning arrow spells into melee spells

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Level 3
May 29, 2007
I hope this hasn't been asked before, but does anyone know if it's possible to convert arrow spells such as Searing Arrows/Cold Arrows/Black Arrow into melee spells that would have the same effects? For instance, when the Blademaster uses Searing Arrows, he causes extra fire damage.

Or, does anyone know if it's possible to make it so the orb item effects can be turned on and off with autocast?

I would simply add the orb ability with triggers whenever the player activates autocast on the Searing Arrows dummy spell, but there doesn't seem to be a way to detect autocaust turn on/turn off with GUI.

I'm sure this is probably possible with JASS, but I'm looking for a bit of a simpler solution, which is why I didn't post this in the triggering or JASS forums.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
KK.. opening my WEU then.

The black arrow just give it to the hero and he will use it... problems: he doesnt spent mana on it.. and he uses it what ever it is set on auto cast or not.

My method with the searing arrows didnt work as intended.

using the orbs work, but they aint shown (black arrow is though, but aint autocasting)

I Post some trigger idea how to do this, tell If you want the real trigger:

Searing arrow:
Some base spell for melee, then make the attacking unit damage attaced unit with 35 or so.

Black Arrow:
Just make every dying unit turn to a skeleton (create unit on position of dying unit).

For both of them: the condition should be if attacking unit have a buff (the spell your using should give the hero a buff... like bloodlust or something. he would auto use on himself (allowed targets = self))

and mana, just make it lower his mana with the unit triggers.

(Tell if you need this in trigger tags, but should be rather easy to do)
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Level 3
May 29, 2007
The only problem I can find with this is, how do you stop auto-casting if the buff has to be set for a certain amount of time?

I'm going to try your method now. If I can't figure out how to stop auto-casting, I think I'm just going to make the entire ability a Bloodlust-type ability with a one-time mana cost that just stays for a certain amount of time.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
The only problem I can find with this is, how do you stop auto-casting if the buff has to be set for a certain amount of time?

I'm going to try your method now. If I can't figure out how to stop auto-casting, I think I'm just going to make the entire ability a Bloodlust-type ability with a one-time mana cost that just stays for a certain amount of time.

Okay.. the stop of autocasting could be an disple or a remove buff trigger.
Level 3
May 29, 2007
Okay, I figured it out. I decided to make it based on Immolation instead, then I just did the damage with triggers and attached a fire effect to the weapon through the buff. Looks really cool. Thanks for the help.

It makes more sense this way, I think, since a sword would be continuously burning, thus using up mana gradually, rather than spending mana with each hit/arrow.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Okay, I figured it out. I decided to make it based on Immolation instead, then I just did the damage with triggers and attached a fire effect to the weapon through the buff. Looks really cool. Thanks for the help.

It makes more sense this way, I think, since a sword would be continuously burning, thus using up mana gradually, rather than spending mana with each hit/arrow.

Ya it does.. Great I could help you :wsmile:
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
You can change the range of the arrow abilities to 100, and set the allowed targets to be the same as the melee heroes that are using them. It's much simpler than what you're doing, I can guarantee it.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
Oh, I apologize for the misinformation, as well as not reading thoroughly. I'm relatively certain that I've tested that as working, but I wouldn't say for sure that I have.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Oh, I apologize for the misinformation, as well as not reading thoroughly. I'm relatively certain that I've tested that as working, but I wouldn't say for sure that I have.

Well it is quite posible that you changed an option that I didnt... and then got an result. As said it did work for black arrow, but I couldnt turn it off.. and the searing arrow change had no effect.

But do post what you did. It would be a much easier solution if it works.:wthumbsup:
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
I was going to hunt the map down in WE and then post the map for you guys to test (my comp won't run even SC), but it seems my comp has become so shitty that it can't even run WE. Sorry.

I remember that I modified Poison Arrow's (when I say Poison Arrow, I am referring to the Searing Arrows ability that does damage over time) range and targets allowed, and then stuck it on a melee hero. I can't recall what happened when I tested it, though, if I tested it at all. It was a while back.
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