Hey there,
I'm trying to use SoundTools but it doesn't seem to produce a sound at all. Am I doing something wrong?
Here's my sample code:
The system itself can be found here: LINK
PS: Oh and I have the latest versions of Table and TimerUtils
I'm trying to use SoundTools but it doesn't seem to produce a sound at all. Am I doing something wrong?
Here's my sample code:
library testing initializer init requires SoundTools
private integer Sound_1 = 0
private function Test takes nothing returns nothing
local player p = GetTriggerPlayer()
call RunSoundForPlayer(Sound_1, p)
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
set Sound_1 = NewSound("Units\\Human\\BloodElfSpellThief\\SpellbreakerYes5.wav", 1112, false, true) ///Very Clever - Blood Elf
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(t, Player(0), "test", true )
call TriggerAddAction(t, function Test)
The system itself can be found here: LINK
PS: Oh and I have the latest versions of Table and TimerUtils