Trying to attach arrows into a unit

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Level 5
Aug 18, 2013
Everyone remembers the scene from the lord of the rings. Where Boromir is hit by the arrows and they're stuck in his body.

Anyway, I've been messing around with the War3modeleditor and I've been trying to attach arrows to different points of a models chest.

But for some reason it's not working most of the time. It'll usually glitch out and float around the model instead.

Does anyone know what's causing this.

Ohter times when I get it right they'll be inside the units chest or facing the wrong way

Is it impossible to do this?
Level 18
Aug 13, 2007
Okay, first of all, if you want some help, don't say "wut???????????". It makes it seem you don't care to search for a solution yourself and are just waiting for someone else ti fond it.

Now, models are animated so that each part is tied to an animation node. In most cases, models use nodes called bones for this purpose. On some of them, however, Blizzard went lazy and made the model's skeleton not from bones, but from another type of nodes, called helpers. They sometimes cause bugs with attachments, which the floating arrows may be.

As for them not being at the proper angle, well, all attachments on a given attachment point (such as chest) are displayed at the same angle. So three identical arrow models will look as if they are occupying the same place. Also missile models are made so that they face forward, so attaching an arrow model to Boromir's chest will look like it was shot from behind his back.

So you have to create a separate model for each arrow that looks like it's sticking out of Boromir's chest (each slightly off-center and taking a different angle to each other and all facing backwards) and use them as attachments. As for the floating arrow bug, post the model here so I can try to fix it.
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