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Level 4
Aug 5, 2009
Hello There.I'am doin a campaing
It's a magical schooll RPG i need 3 Things:
A Trriger(s) That like : A hero comes to a book(Adventure(Map)Choser) I need the book to open and make camera exactly like reading the book and that there were no list, i need that be writen into a book and that i could chose them with my mouse and pause everything, camera couldn't move and when i chose it would teleport to a point of other of my campaings map.
I know most of that but i dont want to Wroin the trrigers.
And 1 thing about the 1 Req: Why the hell all the jass system my friend gives... it doesn't work, When i save or run the map it shows a window with alot of errors and it types like: This trriger is disabled...OK Number 2
2.Bots.I need bots that could do: do certain things in the classroom, do things after school, practice magic randomly its the harder part :goblin_good_job: Btw, before the hardest i need to know:
How the hell i make teleport my hero from 1 map to another like in wow wc3 beta 1.03 with all of he's stuff.
Number 3.
How the hell i make a studing system of magic.It suposed to be like: teacher gives a frog, u need to turn it into a sheep (learn Polymorph) over school is over, u know... like First Person camera and u use ur mouse to use all kinds of spells, magic and stuff, thats the hardest i need.
And for Credits: Secret 4Req :ogre_hurrhurr:
4.i need a item that i use it it pumps me a book in front of me and it shows how to do certain spells like: it bumps a book, it shows: Spin your hand (mouse) 4 times and at the top make a vertical slash then it casts the spell.
To much? Yea... Thought so :ogre_haosis:
If u could do maybe 1,2 or maybe all of them i would give u +5rep each of u so please help me... i give u creds in my campaing :ogre_kawaii:
Its very hard, but its the only part which i cant make my self :ogre_frown:
So please help me, and thanks :ogre_haosis:

EDIT: Oh yea Request number 5 XD. in the start of the campaing the hero choser map. I chose hero in a area, like in Fight of Anime, and i need to teleport the char into he's starting vilage(theres gonna be few races :) ). Well thats all, i think XD...
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