• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!


Another pirate! Just like the ogre pirate, with a few changes. Attack type changed to melee rather than ranged, and a few changes in the attack anim. He wears a bandana and a piercing. Can serve as both, a hired killer and pirate. The anims would fit for an assassin either, but you can use him for whatever you want. Feel free to use it in your map/campaign and to edit it, if desired. Have fun with it!

EDIT 1: Added him a pouch. IMO, the model is O.K. enough for becoming a ressource on its own. The edits made aren't that easily made in WC 3 Editor.

Troll, pirate, troll pirate, troll sailor, troll corsair, sea robber, corsair, sailor

TrollPirate (Model)

TrollPirate (Model)

21:42, 29th Sep 2012 Tarrasque: too simple edit. I cant aprove it is now. If you update it Ill reconsider. -Grendel: meh, could be useful.




21:42, 29th Sep 2012
Tarrasque: too simple edit. I cant aprove it is now. If you update it Ill reconsider.

-Grendel: meh, could be useful.
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Wow. A while back, I had a Jungle Troll 'Pirate' unit in my race (requisitioned from Ominous Horizons), and this model would've helped (with a texture-swap).

However, while it's a good start, I agree that it could use a little... 'flair'. Trolls strike me as the "captain jack sparrow" of the pirating world. :p
Wow. A while back, I had a Jungle Troll 'Pirate' unit in my race (requisitioned from Ominous Horizons), and this model would've helped (with a texture-swap).

However, while it's a good start, I agree that it could use a little... 'flair'. Trolls strike me as the "captain jack sparrow" of the pirating world. :p
Lol, i didn't make him boots and such. It wouldn't fit for a troll, IMO. The ones in wow also don't look that different from this guy. :wink: I added him a pouch now, so that he can hide his stolen precious. :wink: