Usually when I need a skill to apply "slow", I make a dummy, give it slow (the sorceresss spell) and I make the dummy cast the slow onto the target.
However, if I do all of the slows on my map based on the sorceress' slow - they wouldn't be stacking with eachother.
Is there a way to make a stacking slow?
And.. are there any other good 'slow' spells I can use?
And what about the function for setting the target's movespeed? Is it any good for making slowing skills? Some ideas how to use it efficiently (and making it MUI) will be apreciated
EDIT: Is that any good?
However, if I do all of the slows on my map based on the sorceress' slow - they wouldn't be stacking with eachother.
Is there a way to make a stacking slow?
And.. are there any other good 'slow' spells I can use?
And what about the function for setting the target's movespeed? Is it any good for making slowing skills? Some ideas how to use it efficiently (and making it MUI) will be apreciated
EDIT: Is that any good?
private function EndSpeedReduction takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
local unit u = LoadUnitHandle(udg_Table, GetHandleId(t), 'unit' )
local integer l = LoadInteger(udg_Table, GetHandleId(t), 'dplv' )
call SetUnitMoveSpeed( u, GetUnitMoveSpeed(u)/(0.85-0.05*l))
call FlushChildHashtable(udg_Table, GetHandleId(t))
call DestroyTimer(t)
set t = null
set u = null
set time = CreateTimer()
call SetUnitMoveSpeed( u, GetUnitMoveSpeed(u)*(0.85-0.05*l))
call SaveInteger(udg_Table, GetHandleId(time), 'dplv', l)
call SaveUnitHandle(udg_Table, GetHandleId(time), 'unit', u )
call TimerStart( time, 3.00, false, function EndSpeedReduction )
set time = null